What a glorious day! After a pretty sunset last night, we awoke this morning to mostly clear skies, with sunshine warming our hearts as well as the air. We had to clean the Beach House before we could leave so after breakfast we divided up the chores – washing sheets and towels, cleaning the kitchen, vacuuming the floors, cleaning the bathrooms. While we waited for the last load in the dryer we played cards outside at the picnic table. A few clouds were forming but we could tell that as soon as we started inland the weather would be great. We drove back through Raymond to Pe Ell and started riding at about 11:30.
We followed the Chehalis River from Pe Ell east on State Route 6 through the foothills that separate the coast from the lowlands of Washington south of Olympia. This is lush land with abundant rain that keeps everything green. In years past lumber was a huge industry. It is still there, but not to the degree it once was. As we emerged from the foothills into the valley we were greeted with our first view (this trip) of Mount Rainier.
We continued into Chehalis where Lea had lunch ready for us at the City park. The temperature was warm (mid 70s) and some local kids were having a squirt gun fight, while many other people enjoyed "Saturday in the Park" (anyone remember the c.1970s Chicago song?)
We mounted up after a good lunch and followed the Jackson Hiway south to SR 508, where we turned east and started up an oh-so-gradual grade through farmland (lots of hayfields). At one point we looked up to the south and there was Mt St Helens! When the sun shines in western Washington it is so beautiful! (Alas , but it just doesn't shine enough.)
Suddenly on a little nice downhill section we were jolted out of our wonderfully tranquil ride but “pop-whoosh” and Dennis had a flat tire!
Ann rode on ahead while Dave stayed to “help” Dennis change the tire. Before the tire was changed Ann texted us to warn of a steep downhill ahead with a sharp turn and then steep uphill. Even so, we were startled when we were hit by a gusty headwind as we rounded that turn and headed uphill – it was almost like hitting a brick wall! But after the uphill we had some great downhill! While Dennis can drop Dave on the climbs, Dave has better gearing (and weighs more!) so he can descend faster. Top speed for the day was 44.7 mph!
As we neared Morton, we caught up to Ann, but all of us had tired legs, so we casually rode the last few miles. After showers and Mexican food for dinner, we are all ready to veg out for the rest of the evening.
Stage 2 - A Glorious Day!
Saturday, June 08, 2013
Morton, Washington, United States
Other Entries
1Preface to the Ride
May 1821 days priorYakima, United Statesphoto_camera0videocam 0comment 0 -
2The Prologue
Jun 071 day priorNear Westport, United Statesphoto_camera3videocam 0comment 1 -
3Stage 1 - An inauspicious start!
Jun 071 day priorNear Westport, United Statesphoto_camera5videocam 0comment 0 -
4Stage 2 - A Glorious Day!
Jun 08Morton, United Statesphoto_camera7videocam 0comment 1 -
5Stage 3 - To the top of White Pass
Jun 091 day laterPackwood, United Statesphoto_camera9videocam 0comment 0 -
6Stage 4 - There's No Place Like Home!
Jun 102 days laterYakima, United Statesphoto_camera16videocam 0comment 2 -
7Stage 5 - Sleeping In The Barn
Jun 113 days laterProsser, United Statesphoto_camera13videocam 0comment 0 -
8Stage 6 - Across State Lines
Jun 124 days laterPendleton, United Statesphoto_camera50videocam 0comment 0 -
9Stage 7 - A Case of the Blues (Mountains that is!)
Jun 135 days laterBaker City, United Statesphoto_camera29videocam 0comment 0 -
10Stage 8 - 100 miles of headwinds (almost)
Jun 146 days laterOntario, United Statesphoto_camera4videocam 0comment 0 -
11Stage 9 - Take it Easy
Jun 157 days laterNampa, United Statesphoto_camera20videocam 0comment 1 -
12Stage 10 - A Thousand Miles From Nowhere
Jun 168 days laterGlenns Ferry, United Statesphoto_camera20videocam 0comment 0 -
13Stage 11 - Bicycling Bliss!
Jun 179 days laterBuhl, United Statesphoto_camera16videocam 0comment 0 -
14Stage 12 - The End of the Beginning
Jun 1810 days laterPocatello, United Statesphoto_camera9videocam 0comment 1

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Hey Lea! Good job taken care of those guys.