Stage 11 - Bicycling Bliss!

Monday, June 17, 2013
Buhl, Idaho, United States
Tonight I feel very fatigued in spirit. Is it because I haven't fully rested up from the hot 90 miles yesterday? Or because of a bit of letdown as we approach the end of the ride? I don't know, but I'm sure tired tonight!

We woke up to more sunny skies, and a mild low 60s temperature. But we knew it would get hot later on, so we rode away from our motel at about 8 am. From Glenn's Ferry there was a few miles of gentle ups and downs before we would face our first big hill. We followed the Snake River through a pretty valley with farms and ranches scatted along the shores. We also were following the railroad, and as we approached a long upgrade, we could see a train approaching down the grade. A neat sight. We weren't really sure of our route as we approached the hill; the road continued straight toward the freeway which had been far off to our right, but a sign said US 30 turned left up Henderson Hill, and we'd thought the hill was called King Hill (a bit of an intimidating name!). But we checked in with Lea, who said Henderson Hill was probably the shorter route, so we turned and started up. It was only about 1 1/2 miles long, and not as steep or as hard as the route map had made it look. Up on top, we rode along the plateau. Again, sagebrush and cheatgrass made up most of the growth along the route. But it was quiet and peaceful, and we did see a jackrabbit bounding off through the sage. And a rather funny sign.

We approached the freeway again as we neared the little town of Bliss. And it did bring some bliss for us - there was a place to get ice cream! We'd ridden 20 miles, so it was time for a rest. The teenage girls at the little cafe/mini-mart were really nice, and very impressed with our accomplishment thus far. They also made the milkshake extra thick, so we sat outside and ate it with a spoon. Very "blissful!"

From Bliss, our route led along the top of the Snake River Canyon for a ways, then dropped in a lovely downhill to the river flats below. It was beautifully scenic, and the only bad thing was interrupting a downhill run to stop and take pictures. Rode along the river valley, and Dave and I saw a beaver swimming in one of the irrigation canals! Lea was waiting for us in Hagerman at a nice little park. It was early for lunch (11 am, ridden 30 miles), but I know I was kind of tired, so we had a big snack/light lunch and rested a bit. Lea said Jetson had been driving her crazy today - like having a 2-year-old with you constantly!

After Hagerman, we drove through the 1000 Springs area, a beautiful part of the Snake River Canyon where natural springs come bursting out of the rocky bluffs in glorious cascades. Really a beautiful sight. After about 10 miles, the road began to climb. It was hot, and I'd hoped to take a dip in the river before facing this climb, but the road and river went different directions! So I doused myself with water from a water bottle, and headed up what was a 2-mile decent climb, followed by a more gradual uphill for another 6-7 miles. At one point, we passed a house whose sprinkler was wetting the edge of the road, and I got off my bike and stood in it! Moments like that get me through the hot, hard parts. As we approached the little town of Buhl, we passed a strange sight. Along our right was an ornate wrought-iron fence, topped with gold spires and set into stone pillars every so often. Very imposing. And on the other side was just a rather dingy pasture. At last we came to a fancy gateway - stone wings sweeping up to a fancy iron/gold topped gate. And beyond the gate - three horses grazed on nice green grass. In the background was a very ordinary, almost run-down house, while white curbs curved through thick pasture, leading to nothing. A brass plaque by the gate proclaimed this "Desert Canyon Mines Estates."  Very odd.

Buhl is a charming little town where we decided to call it a day, even though we'd only ridden about 52 miles. It was hot, and we were ready for a rest. Lea had gotten us a room in Twin Falls, so she picked us up and we drove the last 15 miles to the motel. It's great - includes dinner & breakfast, has a pool and wi-fi, and only costs $65 for the 4 of us! We took a dip in the chilly pool, then lazed in lounge chairs, reading and dozing. Nice and relaxing. Now dinner is ready!
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