Hello for the last time
Our Alaska adventure is over. We slipped back into Vancouver at 6:30 AM this morning. I had hoped for a glorious sun rise but it was overcast and quite dark. Last time Paige and I sailed into Vancouver we had a beautiful sun rise with pink skies and the early morning sun hitting the white sails of Canada Place.
Yesterday was a smooth glide down from Ketchikan and along the Inside Passage. Some of us had massages, others swam lengths, some worked on their policy pieces from which they had taken a holiday for the week, some kept the whale watch going and were rewarded. Most of us attended Milos's talk on weather and climate change. We sat and chatted over coffee and shared photos. It was a relaxing sea day for all
A highlight was the youth talent show in mid afternoon. The first performer (and of course the best in my mind! was Paige who serenaded Gary and I with Shania Twain's "You are still the One".
Most of us then gathered on our deck in the sun to drink a final toast as northern Vancouver Island slipped by. Jean and I took many photos of what we thought was Kelsey Bay where we grew up. Maybe...maybe not...wharves look fairly similar, as do log dumps from the cruise ship. We did phone our cousin, Jacky in Sayward and left a voice mail for her. And then we were at Seymour Narrows and had to recount the story of Ripple Rock for anyone under 50.
Our table for 12 was full for our farewell dinner and we all agreed it had been a fabulous week.
Good night. See you soon.
Southward Bound to Vancouver
Sunday, August 16, 2015
Port Hardy, British Columbia, Canada
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