Day at Sea

Friday, January 22, 2016
Miami, Florida, United States
We had a very eventful day at sea yesterday, starting with breakfast, Tom's delightful hour with a masterful male masseuse, then Waltz lessons! Lunch for Tom, Shirley and George, while Dori went off for a spectacular 1 1/2 hour massage with masseuse mentioned above! George then lost $1 in penny slots before attending a Craps lesson. Meanwhile Tom and Shirley went to Magic trick lessons, then all to Tea and Trivia. Next Captains cocktail party, dinner ( lobster for Shirley, rack of lamb for others) then show " Piano Man, tribute to Billy Joel and Sir Elton john" . Amazingly good talent, 10 performers.
Arrived Grand Turk this AM . Supposed to anchor, but sea too high to tender, so skipping this port and going on to San Juan. The Cruise Director is busy planning to fill our unexpected second day at sea. Expect she'll do a great job!

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I hear the themes of several Devil's Elbow Supper Club events... Dancing with the MC stars, Piano Man Tribute and Magic Show. Tell Tom he is not aloud to saw Shirley in half!

Bobby Sue

Love the picture. Keep having fun. We're holding down the fort.


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