St. Maartin

Sunday, January 24, 2016
Philipsburg, Sint Maarten
Show last night was terrific..a warm up for the upcoming Devils Elbow Supper Club event. After show we went to "name that tune" where Shirley as a star winning us gobs of Regent Reward points in the "lightning round" . Got to bed midnightish. Fortunately our tour today wasn't til 10:00 so we got to sleep in. And what a fun tour..12 meter yacht racing..the actual American Start and Strips vs. the Canadian Northern Star. And who was the star..oh, Shirley again.! She was appointed captain and had to choose her team, 16 on each boat. She did pick us. Then she lost the coin toss for which boat, so we all suddenly became Canadian. We all got jobs, Tom and Dori were primary grinder, Shirley was the trimmer, and George an aft grinder. Tom volunteered to held hoist the mainsail, perhaps a mistake, cause , well let's just say he may be visiting "Bruno" the male masseuse sooner than he had anticipated. Bottom line us Canadians kicked serious ass and took Start and Stripes by about a boat length over a race course the time to complete was about 45 mins. What fun and a huge thrill! Note pic of boats. Where's Waldo?



These are great photo and congrats on a big victory .


These are great photo and congrats on a big victory .


OMG what a trip!


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