Day 2

Sunday, December 03, 2017
Charleston, South Carolina, United States
We all met for breakfast (well, some of us had dessert) at the City Marina. Then, guys off to tour battle ships, while the gals went shopping. We miraculously hooked up downtown at SNOB for lunch (we’ll, some of us had desserts, before returning for requisite afternoon naps. The hotel people got back to the campsite around 5:30 for cocktails by the fire. We realized we probably would t have time to do the light show justice and get to Mondo’s for dinner by 8:00, so we canceled the reservation. We tried driving, but ended up walking to the “train” station. We bought tickets, then with 40 min. to kill, walked to Santa’s village to see the sand castle and school kids creative Christmas doors. Back at the campsite BS and Don made us all snacks, which we enjoyed with another libation. Tom then successfully chauffeured the hotel crew home.



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