Sunday, October 2. At Sea. 65 cloudy am, but clearing, sunny, 75 pm. Mimosa Day!
Last night, after getting back close to 6pm, we decided it was too much trouble to get cleaned up and dressed up, so we opted for Room Service. Also, the ship was departing at 7pm, and we wanted to watch the beautiful sail away. We has a cheese plate, Spring Rolls and a bottle of wine! It was perfect for us. Today, we started with Mimosas at breakfast and took them to the pool. We pretty much just hung by the pool with various libations. Lunch by the pool was Tex/Mex which is always yummy. There were lots of activities, lectures etc. We caught the ice carving demo, and an interesting talk/performance by the very talented pianist. Somewhere along the way we packed. We did the usual cocktails at Observation Lounge with L&O, then dinner in Compass Rose with our usual waiter. After dinner we went to a special show by Andy and Tammy Heath, our Cruise Director and Social Hostess. It was 70’s songs, with Andy on the acoustic guitar, and they were surprisingly talented.
They off to bed as tomorrow will be challenging!
Monday, October 3. Los Angeles. Sunny 80.
Today we are traveling home. We made it fairly uneventfully to LAX by 10:30, except finding the Luggage Free guy was a challenge and traffic was bad. LAX was easy;TSA a breeze and our gate the first one, so no big walk. The plane ride was smooth and we arrived 1/2 hour early. This helped with our tight connection. Miami to Savanna was also a beautiful flight. Just after we landed Robin texted that she was in the cell lot, so that worked perfectly too. We got home around midnight. The only bummer of the day was when we got home, no access to the liquor cabinet! What a difference Disembarkment and flights home were to our flights to Vancouver and Embarkment! Nice to end on a positive note!!