Miami to Belize

Thursday, December 07, 2023
Belize City, Belize District, Belize
Dec. 4. Miami, 84, pc. Embarkment day.
My mantra of late  has been “relax, you are over being a type A”. Well that’s working well. Guess who was first on the bus from the hotel to the ship, and first to the fantail for our Regent traditional Embarkment  lunch with Grolsch! Although the terminal looked like a madhouse, actually the checking in process was fast and easy. We were on board before noon. Lissy and Otto arrived and joined us on the fantail around 1. Our rooms were supposed to be ready by noon, but that turned into 3pm, which didn’t matter because our luggage didn’t arrive until 4. We were unpacked and settled by 6 when we met Lissy and Otto for sail away drinks in the Observation lounge. We had dinner together in Prime 7. It was good, but everything has slipped a bit. We were very spoiled by pre-Covid Regent. After dinner we went to the show, which was a kind of preview of the shows to come. It was fine but we only lasted about 10 minutes! Not their fault, but perhaps the fault of the wine. Then off to bed. I just love sleeping to the rocking and sound and smell of the ocean.
Dec. 5. At sea, Gulf of Mexico. 82, pc, seas 2’. 
Love the sea days! We went to two lectures in the morning and both were excellent. Both speakers will be on this cruise for 2 weeks doing several more. One lecturer will be speaking  on the places we will be visiting. His lectures today was about Christopher Columbus discovering America. The other lecture was on the “golden years” of Broadway musicals. His continuing series will be all about the history of entertainment. George thought this was  best lecturer ever! No droopy eyes! After the lectures we had a 2 margarita lunch by the pool , followed by a long nap on our really nice and large balcony. We really love our state room suite. Perfect location, middle of the ship and one  floor below where most of our daily activity is, so don’t have to worry about elevators. We went to the Captains cocktail party/reception , then dinner in Compass Rose (CR) with L&O. We all skipped the Divas and Divo’s show in favor of espresso martini’s in the Observation Lounge.  Back at our room was a commemorative gift for the 123 Grand Voyagers on board. In the past we got really nice jackets, but I knew we wouldn’t be getting a jacket because they never asked our sizes. However, I was quite surprised to receive a jigsaw puzzle and a deck of cards instead!
De. 6. Costa Maya. 90 , sun mixed with tropical showers. 
We docked at 9am, and as we docked there was an announcement that due to incoming inclement weather the ship would be leaving at 4:30 instead of 6pm. We had canceled our tour of swimming with the dolphins, because, been there, done that, and it was a good thing because the first of the inclement weather came in at 10:30. We did Mensa puzzles, but we won’t go to collect points. Because of the on and off showers we didn’t walk to the cruise port, but just stayed on board, enjoying the beautiful ship. We had a 2 beer lunch followed by George napping and me walking the jogging track for about 2 miles. I only got lapped by Lissy once, so I did pretty well! We dodged the Regent traditional Block Party and met L & O for cocktails in the Splendor Lounge. We had dinner in the Italian Restaurant and had the best table in the house, right next to the open kitchen, where we were entertained watching the 5 chefs getting out the meals! We skipped the comedian’s show and had a Prosecco in our room. The Captain predicted rough seas tonight, so we gathered the Dramamine, but are waiting see what tomorrow brings.
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Love the pictures. Beautiful. So glad you are having such a good time. Joey Denton was here for LINKS this week. He blessed all that heard him. Miss you.


You both do look relaxed. Laughed at the jigsaw puzzle and cards. Ship sounds amazing.

Rich and Janeen

Enjoy that beautiful weather and destinations. We definitely wish to do this as well! Amazing.


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