Dune buggying

Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Huacachina, Peru
After catching up on the internet, we just relaxed for a little while, reading in a hamac. At 4:00 we hopped in a dune buggy with some plywood "sandboards" (basically a snowboard for sand but the kind that you could make yourself) and got driven out to some great dunes. They seemed to go on forever. They were quite beautiful. It is amazing that the little oasis of Huacachina is in the middle of all this sand. We stopped to try out said sandboard. I was crazy enough to try it on my feet the first time and needless to say I am not better at sandboarding than I am at snowboarding. The next few times down I laid down on it. It was much more fun and faster. We watched the sun over the dunes and came back to the hostel to try to shower off all the sand that was in every crevice of my body.

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