Delving into the past

Monday, November 27, 2023
Via Plinio, 58, Campania, Italy
Monday, november 27, 2023
Today we will try to go to the top of Mount Vesuvius. The hotel offers a rather expensive tour, but there is a regular bus that goes for a few euros.
A friendly lady tells us that the bus stops across from the train station- unlike the instructions on Google maps.
When we reach the bus stop Sisi notices a sign telling us to first get our tickets for the Vesuvius national park.
In the train station an official tells us that it is closed because of a land slide. It will open again on december 7. Alas! We won’t be here then.
A little disappointed we change to plan B, our second day in Pompeii scavi. We were planning to do that tomorrow, but we are at the entrance, so why not?
The weather holds out well during the day. A few drops fall while we are inside, so we are able to visit the objects we didn’t reach yesterday. The highlight is probably the amphitheater. 
Rather intimate, not round but an ellips. As I enter the arena I imagine the seats full of shouting, roaring spectators. It’s their day out. They paid an entrance fee.
I find a sword in my hand and I face the other entrance. A man will appear there. Also with a sword. I will kill him. Or he will kill me. First there will be pain, then fear, then death. And the audience will roar with delight.
Could it happen again today? I am afraid so. Mankind has not changed.
Fortunately we also see the beauty that man has created. Beautiful mosaics, amazing fresco’s. Did I tell you of the mosaic we saw yesterday of the battle of Issus? Where Alexander the Great beat king Darius of Persia? Truly an amazing mosaic. Incredibly fine artistic work.
Today we see several more very nice mosaics, and a large painting of wild animals.
It is obvious that red and yellow paint were most abundant in Roman times, because they dominate all paintings.
After four the town becomes very quiet again. The atmosphere is different from yesterday because clouds cover most of the sky. Earlier we had a beautiful complete double rainbow.
We leave the now familiar streets and descend into modern Pompeii. At the grocery we buy food and we return to our appartment. 
We relax and read, and I start writing this diary while Sisi starts cooking. Tomorrow they expect rain. I am thinking of going to Herculaneum. Time to make some plans.
Dark outside, the window is fogged up because of the cooking.



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