The Planning Begins....

Sunday, April 30, 2017
Vernon, British Columbia, Canada
2017 March 1

My trip planning process was somewhat delayed this year for a number of reasons, and I didn't get started even thinking about my annual trip until sometime in March.   The main issue this year was the ongoing recovery from the knee injury I suffered in Italy last September.  While my recovery has been progressing well, I'm still undergoing Physiotherapy so not completely back to normal.  I was reluctant to start making too many plans as I wasn't exactly sure when I might be capable of a longer trip.  The usual winter blues and a lack of enthusiasm for travel were also a factor, as they are every winter.

The two issues started to dissipate by about mid-March and I decided to take a short trip to Victoria for a few days to visit family (and also as a "test run").  I learned there would be an unexpected benefit of the trip, as my favourite ABBA tribute band was playing at the time so I was able to attend their show as well.  It was a fantastic trip and so nice to get away for a short break for a few days.  Travel didn't present any problems with my knee, so that was a good indication that I'll be able to travel in the fall as usual.  Now the big question is, where to go this year?

After looking at the usual European choices, nothing really stood out so I decided to expand my search.   I've long thought of exploring more of Canada, and that seemed especially appropriate this year on the occasion of Canada's 150th birthday.  There are several places and trips that I've considered in the past, including Toronto, Ottawa (National War Museum), Montreal, Quebec City and the Maritimes, and riding The Canadian from Vancouver to Toronto.  After perusing some brochures provided by the travel agent, the Maritimes looked most appealing so I started to put the wheels in motion.  That's an area that's been on my "bucket list" for quite some time.

2017 April 15
As with my European trips, I considered whether to rent a car and travel on my own or take a guided tour.   Following my usual logic that one learns more about the culture and history on a tour, I opted for the tour.  Self guided travel would have also meant a lot more work in planning routes, booking hotels and researching sightseeing stops, so the tour was a much easier choice.  Another advantage is that it's nicer to share the experience with other people.

I looked at tours by Insight Vacations and Trafalgar Tours, both of which had a similar Itinerary and decided to book with Insight due to their smaller group size (typically about 32).  I suppose I've been spoiled by the small groups on Rick Steves Tours, so there's no way I could tolerate a group of 60, even if the price is cheaper.  Although Insight  was more expensive than I had originally planned (especially after the GST and single supplement was added), I've now booked the Landscapes of the Canadian Maritimes tour for September.   I'll be leaving a few days prior to the tour to see a few sights in Halifax that won't be covered on the tour.  Flights and hotels are now booked, so now the waiting begins.

2017 August 22

It's hard to believe that I'm now only about three weeks from departure day.  Where has the summer gone?  All the arrangements are falling into place, but I'm nowhere near ready yet and I still have a lot to do.  I decided to take a break from travel matters last weekend and went to the Abbotsford International Airshow, something I haven't done in many years.  It was incredible and also just the break I needed.

I picked up my tickets and tour information at the travel agent a few days ago, so that's one more detail to tick-off the list.   I imagine I'll be going into full "panic mode" in about a week and that won't subside until the wheels of my first flight lift off the ground.  It occurred to me that this is going to be a very different experience than I've been used to in past years, and that has caused a degree of apprehension due to "the unknown".   I'm sure it will be a wonderful trip, and my feelings of apprehension will vanish in the light of reality.  I'm very much looking forward to seeing a part of Canada that I've never been to, but I suspect there will be a small amount of "culture shock".

2017 September 13

For many months, this day has seemed so far in the future that I've hardly given it any thought.  I plodded along every week with planning and making arrangements, but at times that seemed more like an academic exercise and not real.  I'm now acutely aware that departure day will finally become a reality very early tomorrow morning, and that I'm about to embark on yet another travel adventure to new places and with new experiences.  It will be interesting to see what kind of culture differences there are between the east coast and the west coast.

For some reason, I haven't had as much anxiety or panic with the preparations for this trip, possibly because it's shorter and also closer to home.  My cameras are packed, the batteries for all my gadgets are charged and my backpack and duffle are ready to zip closed so hopefully I'm ready!

I received a "welcome" message from the tour director a few days ago, and I'm now starting to look forward to this new travel experience.  It sounds like my group may be quite diverse, with people from Canada, the U.S., Australia and possibly also from Ireland.

Now comes the hardest part - waiting for the moment I walk out the front door for the drive to the airport.  This won't seem real until my flight lifts off the runway.



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