Today was a day of transition. We left Homer and flew to Anchorage to spend the weekend here for the ceremonial and official start of the 2009 Iditarod. However, before we left Homer we wanted one more chance to spend some time with the eagles. We were pleased to see that the skies had cleared and that there was a good chance of some sunshine for our photos. That pleasure was short lived when we stepped outside to join the Zirkles for breakfast. The wind was howling! By the time we got down on the spit the wind must have been blowing at 30+ mph or better. This was a steady gale, not just gusts of wind.
The bay was churned up and huge waves were slapping the shore
. The birds were having trouble making any headway against the winds. Just holding a camera up to take a picture was difficult and setting a camera on a tripod was dangerous. As Steve started feeding the eagles, we noticed there were not very many birds on the ground and those that were in the air were having great difficulty. One bird grabbed a fish, took to the air, and was promptly blown backwards until it ran into another bird. It was almost impossible to focus on an eagle much less get a good picture. We stayed briefly, got a few last photos and returned to the cabin to pack for the flight to Anchorage.
We had to check out of the cabin by about 12 pm, but our flight did not leave until 3:30 pm, so we spent about three hours in the airport waiting to leave. In spite of the wind our flight to Anchorage was uneventful and we were able to get a good view of the spit from the air. After checking into our motel, we met the Zirkles, who had driven back to Anchorage, for dinner. Then it was back to the motel to relax.
Tomorrow we will go from eagles to dogs, as we watch the ceremonial start of the Iditarod, which will go right past the motel.
A Very Windy Day
Friday, March 06, 2009
Anchorage, Alaska, United States
Other Entries
1Getting Ready
Feb 268 days priorJarrettsville, United Statesphoto_camera0videocam 0comment 0 -
2On to Anchorage and Homer
Feb 277 days priorHomer, United Statesphoto_camera10videocam 0comment 0 -
3Our First Day with the Eagles
Feb 286 days priorHomer, United Statesphoto_camera12videocam 0comment 1 -
4Finally the Sun
Mar 015 days priorHomer, United Statesphoto_camera19videocam 0comment 3 -
5Another Beautiful Day in Homer
Mar 024 days priorHomer, United Statesphoto_camera23videocam 0comment 3 -
6Bad Weather Moved In
Mar 033 days priorHomer, United Statesphoto_camera16videocam 0comment 0 -
7Back in the Yard
Mar 042 days priorHomer, United Statesphoto_camera21videocam 0comment 1 -
8More Bad Weather
Mar 051 day priorHomer, United Statesphoto_camera17videocam 0comment 1 -
9A Very Windy Day
Mar 06Anchorage, United Statesphoto_camera16videocam 0comment 0 -
10The Ceremonial Start of the Iditarod
Mar 071 day laterAnchorage, United Statesphoto_camera27videocam 0comment 0 -
11The Iditarod Offical Start :Our Last Day in Alaska
Mar 082 days laterAnchorage, United Statesphoto_camera15videocam 0comment 0 -
12Back Home
Mar 093 days laterJarrettsville, United Statesphoto_camera8videocam 0comment 0