Heading Home

Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Jarrettsville, Maryland, United States
Morning came very early as we had to place our suitcases in the hallway by 5:45am. That meant we had to be up and dressed before that. Then we had our final breakfast on the boat. At seven o'clock we boarded a bus for the last time for the trip to the airport.

We checked in quickly and both suitcases were still under the maximum weight, yeah! From there we made our way to the gate. In Amsterdam you do not go through security until you are at your gate. Amsterdam is a large airport. It was a long walk. We had to wait for the flight before ours to board and take off before we could get through security. Once again we went though quickly and were soon ready to take off. Our flight was to Heathrow and once again we arrived early. After a two hour layover we were bused to the airplane since it was not at the terminal. We had to climb the steps into the plane. This flight was also on time taking off and arrived in Philly early. We had four flights on British Airways for this trip and all four flights arrived early.

From here we went through immigration and got our luggage. We then hopped on the shuttle to the Sheraton where our car was parked. Our drive home was uneventful, but we arrived home to no electricity in the aftermath of Hurricane Irene. We were home but an hour when our electricity was finally restored. That was not soon enough though to save the meat and other perishables in the freezer and refrigerator.

Over the past 17 days we traveled across the ocean twice, visited sixteen European cities, five countries (six if you count sitting in Heathrow Airport), traveled along three beautiful rivers and one canal and went through 68 locks. We saw buildings and places built long before our country was settled by the Europeans. Our journey took us through Germany, the land of our ancestors, a truly beautiful country.
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