We flew from Mumbai to Delhi today.
And what did we see when we arrived?
Seriously ,hardly a thing
The pollution was the worst pollution storm theyve had in forever.
We landed, looked out to where the airport should have been, and Im like: "Martina, theres one helluve fog enshrouding the airport", and the people around us told us it was smog.
I couldnt believe it!
Diwali ( Festival of the lights) has been in full swing for the last week, and the smoke from the tons of fireworks that they have fired off has contributed to the crop burning at this time of the year, lack of rain, exhaust fumes from cars, etc, etc.
I read all about the smog over the next 2 days.
They have closed the schools, no construction work, ie, demolition, is allowed for a few days, they are wetting the roads to preve t further dust from billowing into the fog.
But in general, the pollution in Delhi ,is the worst in the world.
We were very fortunate to have clear skies the first 2 days upon arrival in India.
I had booked our hotel through Booking.com, but by now my brain was starting to slip some cogs.
I didnt know what the name of the hotel was ,or where it was
Can you believe it?
I could.
Im exhausted, and feel rather antiquated, thank goodness I dont look it yet, phew!
So off I go to information desk, smile charmingly at the official there, and explain that I need to hijack his computer, get on the internet, and look up my accomodation on Booking .com.
Martina is sitting quietly waiting for her ditzy friend to find her way.
Two minutes later, I have the info for our hotel.
See? not much of a hassle, just a bit of a roundabout way!
Im now concerned about this pollution, and the effects on our lungs.
Both Martina and I are asthmatic.
Lovely. The wheezing grannies!
So I find the airport mini hospital, Im super impressed, its a full ER setup, Doctors, Sisters, etc. and in the airport!!
Delhi claims to be number one of airports in the world.
Hmph, Ive seen better airports.
But whatever!
I get some masks for us from the Nursing Sister, ask her where we go if we have an asthma attack, and she says we come right back to their mini ER.
Im reassured, cos now I can breathe in peace, hold on, its smoggy outside, lets rephrase that comment
Now we can rest assured.
We try to find some food before heading out, no luck, its all Indian food, and the French Fries are ridiculously expensive!
The fog is trickling into the airport from outside, like a slow alien invasion.
We buy a packet of chips and a coke,and a bottle of water.
Our staple diet for the last few weeks.
I have to tell you about the chip packets.
Now here is a well made packet.
Resistant to all efforts to open it!
I became the chief packet opener.
Martina takes one look at a chip packet, makes one attempt to open it, sighs, rolls her eyes, and hands it to me.
It became a standing joke for us.
1st Step: Clean the area of packet, where the intention to commence opening it begins.
2nd Step :Bite into the area with tip of incisors, trying to avoid putting your mouth on the outside of the packet.
3rd Step: Tear off corner of the packet, angling side ways, so that a neat area is opened up for chips to be removed from.
Haha, this never happens. Those packets have a life of their own, and this usually entails the packet tearing open right down the side, and meeting up with the bottom of the packet.
Oh well, a larger area for foraging in the packet!
Never stress in India, we have learnt.
4th Step: Enjoy your chips, but clean your hands first!
The chips are delicious and worth the effort of opening the packet.
Caution to those with delicate dentistry.
These chips are darn crispy, and you can spend a long time chewing on them!
They need to be eaten daily!
So we caught a pre paid taxi ( I so enjoy pre paid taxis, you tell them your destination at the Taxi counter in the airport, they tell you the price, you get your ticket, go outside,your yellow and black taxi is outside with many others, you get to your destination without a fuss, haggle, pulling of the hair, or concern that you might be on your way to Timbuktu)
Our hotel for the night is so so.
The usual mouldy smell, relatively clean, no hot water, but oh well.
The bed is clean and comfortable, and we sleep well...
Through Delhi, and almost outve India
Sunday, November 06, 2016
Delhi, India
Other Entries
1This could be heaven, or this could be hell.
Oct 1225 days priorDelhi, Indiaphoto_camera10videocam 0comment 1 -
2Confusion, best seller in India.
Oct 1423 days priorAgra, Indiaphoto_camera9videocam 0comment 0 -
3Old beauty and awesome views
Oct 1522 days priorJaipur, Indiaphoto_camera34videocam 0comment 0 -
4The busses
Oct 1720 days priorJaipur, Indiaphoto_camera2videocam 0comment 9 -
5Cows, cows, everywhere!
Oct 1819 days priorJaisalmer, Indiaphoto_camera33videocam 0comment 1 -
6Pretty town, relentless shop owners.
Oct 2116 days priorUdaipur, Indiaphoto_camera31videocam 0comment 1 -
7Well worth the effort.
Oct 2314 days priorUdaipur, Indiaphoto_camera21videocam 0comment 0 -
8My long awaited treat.
Oct 2710 days priorJalgaon, Indiaphoto_camera32videocam 0comment 1 -
9India and levitation
Oct 289 days priorAurangabad, Indiaphoto_camera0videocam 0comment 7 -
10Ellora caves
Oct 307 days priorAurangabad, Indiaphoto_camera53videocam 0comment 2 -
11Halfway down India, in Hampi.
Nov 042 days priorHampi, Indiaphoto_camera27videocam 0comment 1 -
12Even 5 star in India leaves much to be desired
Nov 051 day priorMumbai, Indiaphoto_camera2videocam 0comment 3 -
13Through Delhi, and almost outve India
Nov 06Delhi, Indiaphoto_camera3videocam 0comment 1

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oh wow.. what an endurance test.. well done for surviving with your sanity.. India is a crazy place not for the faint hearted!!