Two Nights in Bangkok....

Sunday, January 17, 2010
Bangkok, Thailand
So my adventure begins with a journey across the world riding in the Village. For all of you out there familiar with my world, you know exactly what that means, I sat in the back of the plane, in economy. I feel that I was cheated out of a business seat by a companion who was walked on the plane by a LA flight attendant in uniform, who happened to know of course the crew and the gate agents, and it was this fellow who mysteriously got moved up to that last business seat when there was a last minute no show. But not wanting to start off my journey with any negative energy., and a diss from the crew for being one to stir up controversy, I humbled myself and sat in my seat, knowing that in my travels ahead this seat I would look back on as one of my best.
 I am joined in Narita by flight attendant friend named Johanna, who will be with me for 10 days of my month long journey . Johanna has never backpacked before and introducing someone new into my world is fun and exciting, she is very cool and open to what ever I have planned , so I'm sure to show her the experience of her life.
We arrived in Bangkok late and hit the streets for a beer and some people watching, it was 130 am when we headed out and the streets were packed! This area is sensory overload for anyone, no matter how many times you have been here, its fascinating and full of life and excitement. A couple beers later, we only got 4 hours sleep that night.
The next day was full of exploring the area of Khao San Road, the backpacker district where I stay when I come to Bangkok. I only stay in this busy city for a couple days at most, as they say one night in Bangkok can make a grown man crumble, and after spending two nights here, you really can see why.
Last night we went out and experienced some Bangkok nightlife, and were invited to watch a game of local Ping Pong...fascinating ....:) Today we are off to an ancient city outside of Bangkok called Ayuthaya. It is an old city of now ancient ruins, resembling a smaller version of Angkor Wat. We will be taking a local train two hours north ( no air con, its local!) but Bangkok is very pleasant right now, with clear skies and a nice breeze, quite a treat for this city.This will be the start of our journey up north , the next day we will be taking an overnight train to Chiang Mai to visit temples, and play with Tigers and Elephants, I cant wait.
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Sara Davis

Did you eat the grasshopper??


maybe? :)


Did not know those crispy critters were popular and available there. They are hugely popular in areas of Mexico such as Oaxaca. I never had the guts to try them but John and Christopher did abd I have pictures somewhere. I can just hear the chopsticks clicking away in the village. BUMMER! But you arrived safe and sound to beautiful blue skies and Johana sounds very cool.Sarah left a nice message. hope to see her this weekend.xoxoxoxo



You're not kidding about the backpack thing are no? I thought you meant you traveled low key....maybe stayed in Youth Hostels in Europe. Do you really have all your things in that little backpack?

You're never going to travel with me after I post this, but oh well!!! You look like you're having a great time. Love all the pics! Fried bugs? lol

Be safe~ Nance


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