The fateful day approacheth. Tonight Collingwood play Hawthorn in a cut throat final and the family is gathered to watch. Pouring rain in Hoi An all day, the shop owners are nervous as they have been flooded out before. I started walking to my sisters hotel and got lost and got soaked before I had gone a km. Got directions from a guy who we know as Bruce Lee, which is what he likes being called, and he sent me on a wild goose chase almost out of town. Trudging along up to my shoe tops in water I was cheesed off to say the least. Finally found the Ha An hotel whose name is so similar to lots of places here that it makes it difficult to get directions to. Found sister and bro in law and nephews watching the rain pour down. We had lots of time to kill so we went out for lunch to Dao Tien restaurant which is run by an Aussie guy Ron, who may or may not be a Vietnam vet. He set up the place to give employment to orphans and to help train them and has been very successful in his endeavors. Many vets have come back to help this poor country which, against their will they helped raze.
Had Bahn Mi for lunch, beautiful as usual
. Anthony Bourdain calls it a symphony.
About 4pm we gathered at the Ha An and saw that the ever helpful staff had set up a big screen and a data projector for us. The girls were busy re-arranging tables and chairs and putting out bowls of those sweet peanuts they favour here. We were drinking at the bar while they set it up and peeping round the corner to see what the image on the big screen would be like. This was all for us just by the way, the Pitt and Clarke families were the only viewers, but it gives you an idea of how incredibly friendly and helpful these people are. After it was all set up and the man who was doing it tuned it in we realised that we could not get the Aussie football channel. Sad faces all round including the bar girls. We retired to sisters room and watched the first half there and dismal it was. The Woods were getting soundly thrashed, so soundly that I had just about given them up for a loss and a "wait til next year".
At the half time break we braved the downpour, yes it kept up all day and night and is still going now at 9.45pm, and went back to the bar for a few drinks. The girls decided they would move a big flat screen in for us and they did. The young TV guy did wonders setting it up and I suspect he erected a new antenna for it. At last the snow on the screen cleared for the second half and for the 3rd quarter things didn't change, we were getting soundly beaten again. In the last quarter things turned around a little and the tide started flowing for us, and even though the Magpies were playing badly we got up and won in the last few minutes by three points. Oh man, Jubilation all round, much shouting, high fiving and back slapping.
Sister was so excited she ran (make that walked) out into the rain and ended up soaked.
Wonderful night, exciting game by out beloved team and the family all together to enjoy it, and to top it off we had a snack and I had Bahn Mi again, and on the way home we got some more for a midnight snack. The only downside was running out of camera batteries.
Never enough Bahn Mi
Friday, September 23, 2011
Hoi An, Vietnam
Other Entries
1Getting ready
Sep 0518 days priorDaylesford, Australiaphoto_camera0videocam 0comment 1 -
2Ho Chi Minh City
Sep 1112 days priorHo Chi Minh City, Vietnamphoto_camera14videocam 0comment 1 -
3Day 2 Ho Chi Minh
Sep 1211 days priorHo Chi Minh City, Vietnamphoto_camera11videocam 0comment 1 -
4Ho Chi Minh Day 3
Sep 1310 days priorHo Chi Minh City, Vietnamphoto_camera13videocam 0comment 1 -
5Cao Dai and Cu Chi
Sep 158 days priorCủ Chi, Vietnamphoto_camera17videocam 0comment 1 -
6First day in Hoi An
Sep 158 days priorHoi An, Vietnamphoto_camera9videocam 0comment 4 -
7Hoi An Day 2
Sep 167 days priorHoi An, Vietnamphoto_camera21videocam 0comment 0 -
8The Old Town visit
Sep 176 days priorHoi An, Vietnamphoto_camera20videocam 0comment 0 -
9Trip to Hue
Sep 185 days priorHue, Vietnamphoto_camera11videocam 0comment 1 -
Sep 194 days priorHue, Vietnamphoto_camera23videocam 0comment 0 -
11Down Perfume River
Sep 203 days priorHue, Vietnamphoto_camera41videocam 0comment 0 -
12From Hue back to Hoi An
Sep 212 days priorHoi An, Vietnamphoto_camera7videocam 0comment 1 -
13FAMILY Bizness
Sep 221 day priorHoi An, Vietnamphoto_camera17videocam 0comment 2 -
14Never enough Bahn Mi
Sep 23Hoi An, Vietnamphoto_camera9videocam 0comment 3 -
15Swallows nests and Cao Lau
Sep 241 day laterHoi An, Vietnamphoto_camera12videocam 0comment 0 -
16The noise, the noise
Sep 252 days laterHoi An, Vietnamphoto_camera15videocam 0comment 0 -
17Quiet day
Sep 263 days laterHoi An, Vietnamphoto_camera13videocam 0comment 0 -
18Final Supper
Sep 274 days laterHoi An, Vietnamphoto_camera20videocam 0comment 1 -
19Leaving day
Sep 285 days laterHo Chi Minh, Vietnamphoto_camera5videocam 0comment 0 -
20Back Home
Sep 307 days laterDaylesford, Australiaphoto_camera16videocam 0comment 2