Quiet day

Monday, September 26, 2011
Hoi An, Vietnam
Relatively quiet day today. Moved from An Hoi hotel to Hai Yee on the Cua Dai road near the post office, closer to sister and son but seemingly further away. After I moved I started walking via the back alleys to sisters and ended up at the river way downstream from where I wanted to go. Started walking along the riverside and as it was almost flooded I had to leave the path there and wade through ankle deep water and then drip my way through a restaurant. Then within sight of a cafe where I was going to enjoy my first cup of sweet Vietnamese coffee I was waylaid by 2 ladies selling clothes. Partly my fault as I asked them if they sold batteries. Oh yes yes come in come in. Let me tip you, when you get in the shop there is no escape. We'll send out for batteries they said, and they did, but while I was waiting I was sold a bigger version of the T shirt I was wearing! I'm a soft touch. So a pair of shorts, a T shirt and a massage later I was back on the street.
Raine and Ron were ready to go at the hotel so we went down to a tailor who is making up all sorts of silk wear for them, then down to Thuan Y at the riverside for lunch with Sal and Marley . Plum was there and I asked about Phu the friend of Michael's he told me about. Bit hard to explain but Michael was an icon in Daylesford for a long time but now none of my friends there would know him. Phu was away in Nha Trang as the government is going to move her house to a new place and she had to go and sign the documents. Pity I missed meeting her. Lunch over we took Barb down to see the Japanese bridge and I walked home. News is that there is a Typhoon coming, 4.30 Plum said, I don't think you can be that exact but maybe our travel plans will be messed up.
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