Final Supper

Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Hoi An, Vietnam
Up at 9 for breakfast but was greeted with a disaster area.No baguettes! Not much at all really soi I settled for 2 fried eggs and soft buns. While I was eating two dogs ran into the room and checked out the diners. They were very vietnamese dogs, quiet, accepting, very mellow. The staff just accepted them as part of life and I saw later this day that dogs have a unique place in society. Later I had a coffee at Dao Tien and saw two dogs laying in the middle of an intersection, see pics, the traffic just went round them as they apparently do to sacred cows in India. At lunchtime Sis and Ron and I found an out of the way place by the river and there were dogs there who were just part of the scene. Not pets, not wild not obtrusive or demanding, they just were. Really refreshing look at animals in society which in ours would mean they were pets to be doted upon or talked to like children.

Went to Le Nhi's (See pic) in Phan Boi Chau street for a shave a pedicure and a manicure and a massage as well, so I was feeling like, not quite a new man but close to it when she had finished .

Met Raine and Ron and we went to a back alley cafe which I had found in my rambles but it turned out not to serve food so we went to the aforementioned dog haven and had a beautiful meal for 98k, 4 beers, spring rolls and 3 main courses for less than $5. See pics--I had the fish.

Booked car to Danang tomorrow and walked back to hotel and slept. On the way I took the pics of the unique little fuel bowsers that are everywhere, come to think of it I haven't seen a servo in Hoi An
To Raine and Rons hotel with Marl and Sally for the last supper before we leave. Lovely meal and lots of Chilean wine. Sad to see the last of sister and Ron and Barb and I hope to come back to Hoi An next year, the sooner the better.
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Was great to read your blog Les. Steph and I loved Vietnam and especially Hoi An - we spent 7 nights there. Brought back lots of memories looking at your photos. We went in February and the weather was fantastic, cool up north and hotter as you came down, but quite bearable. ......and NO RAIN! While you were there Geoff and I spent 3 nights in Daylesford - was most relaxing. xxx


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