Everyones a doctor

Monday, February 05, 2018
Hội An, Quang Nam Province, Vietnam
Since I have had this lump on my elbow I have received well meaning advice from Le's family and even some from people who should know better. Sister are you listening? Always break your toothpicks after use as they may be re-used or even stick into your arm causing huge swellings.
Hai and Nhi are very strong on what you can and can't eat...don't eat chicken it will make you itchy and make you scratch. Seafood...makes you itchy. Beef...makes you itchy. Sticky Rice.....doom laden dish will make your sore weep. Peanuts....does something bad. Also there are strict prohibitions about when to take the medicines. Hai says at least an hour after your last beer...OR...your heart will explode. An ex-pat told me today that Turmeric is the answer to everything, sounds like Daylesford? Also he told me it was useless taking antibiotics after the even, you should take them before. Go figure.And as if!
Latest intrigue has been Lan the woman I met at the beach. Single two kids, works 3 jobs, well 2 now as she just left White Lotus after a dispute about her pay. The pay scale is as follows...The Chef  9 million an month, the waitresses who can't speak English 4 million a month and Lan who speaks good english and has managerial skills was put in the 4 million a month category. She complained and left. I met her this morning for coffee and helped her draft a letter to the boss at White Lotus asking if she was owed any money and also saying she would return if she got 7 million a month. She's be a great trade union organiser in Australia but the answer she got was No...nothing owing and No...no job. 
Spot the misprints in the menus.
Added a few photos to make your reading job just that little more boring. I have always subscribed to the Dunbar principle, that character from Catch-22 who aimed to lead the most boring life possible as time goes more slowly. 
One picture of my grandsons Freddy and Willem, how beautiful is that?
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Puts a new meaning on "walk the plank, lady".


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