The cliched light at the end of the tunnel

Monday, February 05, 2018
Hội An, Quang Nam Province, Vietnam
I know this might be boring but I'm going to inflict it upon you anyway. My left elbow. Those who have read this far will know the trvails I have undergone getting some sort of definitive diagnosis on "the lump" as I lovingly call it. Another trip to the baby clinic a few days ago resulted in another directive from the nurse. Go to Da Nang hopital soon. So I told My Le I was going on Monday and she said, no, go to Hoi An Hopital. Within a few hours it was " I have booked a car to take you and Nhi and Na to Da Nang". So we went to the Family Hopital in Da Nang where I became a Premier patient. That meant I had an interpreter who came with me at each stage, and there were many stages. A first consultation then another with a surgeon then down to Ultrasound then back to the surgeon who then sent me for an x-ray. Then back to the surgeon again. All of these places were on different floors and the lifts being very slow and crowded the girls took the stairs each time, so I was up and down like the proverbial whores drawers.  
Finally the surgeon says there are no foreign bodies in the wound it's just an abcess and he will cut it open and drain it. So then up to the 9th floor surgical unit where a very chirpy lot of medical men did their procedure on me. He told me through the interpreter that he put a tube in to drain it but I found out later it was simply a wick. It did the job and this morning at the baby clinic they removed it and put a patch over the hole. 
While I was in the Family Hopital chatting to the interpreter he told me he had a phobia....about escalators. He gets scared when the steps fold out. I bet its got a name too.
In other news, Lan has become my "possible future girlfriend" , I have been having coffee with her most morning at Moc Lan and today I told her she might be a girlfriend in the future. Its too early to tell what she is really like but she did say she wants more children, which rules me out.
Today the family went to Eco Tours village in the Water coconut groves down by Cam Thanh near Cua Dai bridge. There are large ponds teeming with fish which you can try to catch with the rod and bait supplied. Th eating places are palm fronded bamboo constructions built on piles over the water and accessed by narrow planks. For some reason the Vietnamese like this idea, or maybe its a traditional building method. The other visitors Ziggy, Martin and Lisa were also with us on the bike cavalcade to the place. Once there we embarked on a boat which took us 50 meters to the village. Why? It gives some exfisherman a job maybe. It was on the same bank and not as if we went to an island.
So we had dinner, the Germans went for a swim and used the flying fox and I tried fishing, These fish will not bite on mango as bait I found. 
I have attached way too many photos but I got into the Viet woman frenzy of photo taking and even included some of some Chinese tourists posing which are pretty funny. I also joined the Chinese in one of their games.
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good newsy blog as usual. So! Can we expect another sister-in-law?


Great blog and photos as usual Les. Glad your blob is healing. Sounds like your on a mission.


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