At last the hopital contacted me about the results of the test on the elbow fluid. Not TB as they hinted it might be but a Staphylococcus infection. Whether I got it in Oz or picked it up here I don't know but I can't blame the woman doctor who lanced it as it was swollen even before then. Of course I have a new lot of pills which I take religously twice a day and heres hoping they work, otherwise I have to wait to get back to Oz in May.
I have been very indiscriminate with the photos. One of Lan holding a bangle she wants me to give to sister, one of Hien the woman who tried to bite me for $5000 a few years ago and with whom I have set new guidelines. Lan laid it on thick yesterday, she invited me to her house for lunch which she had cooked and it was good too, Tuna, chicken pieces cooked in Fish sauce (of course) and a soup, too much as usual. She told me how hard up she was but I have hardened my heart to her pleas. She told me she was going to sell her gold ring to pay for her childrens tutors but later I saw a photo and she still had it on. The photos she sent me on Zalo were of her with half a dozen bottles of Tiger beer, empty, in front of her and then the next picture was her with tears rolling down her face. Sad, she said. Well yeah I'm sad too but you're not getting any more money.
The weather here is absolutely perfect and has been since I arrived, hottest day about 30C and coldest night about 24C but its generally been around 28 during the day. On Friday I go to Tam Ky to a beach resort, per night $19, what could go wrong? I will stay for a couple of days and ride further down the coast to look at Tam Hai island.
Your toughening up at last Les! Good news on the elbow I think.
Praise be to God, Allah and are toughening up and resisting the pleas from the Gimmee Girls....Some of those garden shots are lovely. Could you add a bit more detail please? My Le's garden is a picture. More! More! Where is Gia Song?
Watch the elbow. Staph can transfer round the body so if you get swelling or redness particularly in your armpit or neck on the same side get onto it straight away.