This is my last entry for this trip and my apologies for being so slack. I have not been doing much and the major news has been My Le's visit to Da Nang hopital to have her thyroid nodes removed. Five and two she keeps saying but what the five or the two are I'm not sure. Maybe 5 big nodules and two small ones? She had her actual thyroid removed 15 years ago and these are part of the thyroid system apparently. Anyway it has caused disruptions in the family as someone has to be with her every day to get food. The hopital doesn't provide meals so the patients have to fend for themselves. I have included a photos taken in the hopital but not the one of the bloody remnants of her thyroid lying next to her on the bed. This seems to be common practice here as if the doctors are saying, look she got her moneys worth.
Hai was very happy when she returned as he hasn't had a beer for four days. We went to Xanh for dinner and he was overjoyed he could drink again. He has ridden his scooter to Da Nang every day she has been away and he is very saddle sore.
As you will see from the photos Hien is still hanging on for dear life. The lease on Con Trai runs out in five days and then she will be unemployed, although she seems confident in finding other work.
I am very sad to be leaving and will miss the sunday dinners with Keith where we caught up with all the doings and I got his advice about Hien.I am also sad to see the last of Hai and Na and Nhi who have been so good to me especially Na who advised me recently, Stop thinking, enjoy your holiday. Its great having the certitiude of the young.
And lastly I will miss my Honey My Le who has been a good friend to me over the years.
Pardon my including a photo of my family, Sally Marley and Freddy but they have been on my mind as the hour approaches when I will see them again.
What a great trip, Les. Until the next one....
Can't wait to see you, Willem is very excited!