Tombs Rice fields and the prison

Wednesday, January 16, 2019
Hội An, Quang Nam Province, Vietnam
Just outside Hoi An are the ricefields which are home to many tombs. Why I don't know, perhaps the families owned the specific fields and buried their family there. In the background you can see Hoi An skyline, ever growing and with a voracious eye on the fertile fields.
I have posted pictures before of Nha Tu the house of waiting or simply the prison. It is slowly being turned into a tourist attraction but when I asked the workers when it would be open the held up their hands and waggled them in the Vietnamese gesture of "who knows".
I did find out that it was a male and female prison. The men had the large dormitory and the women the smaller. I was tipped off to this by the sign you see above a door "Nam" meaning men, the facing door had "Nu" women. I presumed they were eating halls



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