
Friday, March 08, 2019
Hội An, Quang Nam Province, Vietnam
Just a short update. I am going to extend my visa so I will be coming back in May and not April. Its quite easy now as the new evisa system is operational and Mr Hung in Hoi An handles it all anyway for $75 US. I could have doone it myself but My Le was off and running and set it all up before I could stir. I changed my flights for zero dollars so it was a cheap exercise.
Hiens deadline ran out yesterday, she had given me three days to decide if I liked her or not. Well, I do like her but I dont like her claims of exclusivity over me the same as Lan. The first time I met Lan she told me if we were ever married I would drive the kids to school and pick them up. When I questioned her she said she had better things to do. I should have seen the writing on the wall then but however she is in the past as well now, even though I see on FB she now has a passport.
Hai and I are going to An Khe soon for him to catch up with his family and tonight we planned a few adventures. Four days in An Khe then a bus to Pleiku which is too hilly for motorcycles he tells me, then a day trip to Kon Tum. When Hai was a policeman he went to school in Kon Tum at the prison and he knows how I like prisons so we will go and see it. This area was a very large American base so I will try to ferret out some war related stuff. On the way to Pleiku we will pass the memorial to the French soldiers killed in the battle of Mang Yang pass the last battle of the French war. We won't be able to stop but I may get a pic in passing. It was one of the main reasons I went to An Khe last time but we never made it out to Km 15 where the memorial is placed.
Tonight I had a funny conversation with Na at the shop. She went out to talk to customers and came back and said they were very rude. I asked her where they were from and after much humming and hawing she said Essorens. Mhhh where is Essorens I asked. You know, Essorens she said, many many bombee in Essorens. I found after much questioning that these people were dark skinned but that didnt help/ I took a stab at Iceland but no, Essorens.
She was getting a bit angry at my obtuseness so she grabbed ny phone and after a few. stabs at it she handed it back  showing a map of Morocco with a suburb called Essairens. The bombees could have been from WW2 or maybe when the French controlled that area or maybe terrorist actions. 
She's a smart cookie Na, I was, I guess, having a bit of a laugh at her ignorance of the world and it turned out I was the ignorant one after all. I asked her what language they spoke and she said Kem. Now when I very carefully questioned her, not wanting to offend her again, she told me that was their word for YES. What language it was I still don't know. When I asked her how she knew all this she said she just listens to them talk while she does their nails.
Photos not that exciting but for you who read my past blogs when I documented the building of Austins house you may be surprised to see the latest additions to it. After the build was finished the new theme park on the island was being built so Austin could see that the noise would be too great so he sold it. The new owners have added the stairs. It was no Frank Lloyd Wright home but it was double glazed and had a bit of style for a Vietnamese house.
Oh and the usual glamour shots of My Le.



Your a lucky man Les, glad you can extend your stay, you might as well live there full time but certain family and friends would miss you! Na is very smart, I love her. My Le is as gorgeous as ever! Love your snaps as usual. Is Lydia and gang still there?


Such an interesting blog. Yes, Na certainly is smart....wasted intellect in that situation. Your trip with Hai sounds quite exciting, wish we were going....sigh! Glad the gimmee girls have finally got their come uppances..... We have two Minnesotans coming today for lunch....remember....don't mention the Donald!!! xxx


Forgot to mention the house that Austin has a certain style. Do you know who bought it? xx


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