Never happen Les , never happen

Friday, March 08, 2019
Hội An, Quang Nam Province, Vietnam
I have included a few photos of the new house Austin and his partner Na are building right behind the Le house. If you look in the background you can see an open door onto my balcony on the second floor.
This is a very difficult blog to write as its slightly embarrassing and leaves me full of doubts, however here goes. You all know by now the way I have been a soft touch for the women over here over the years and the way I have doled out money willy nilly to fix their problems until recently that is when I reached the end of my generosity tether. I have even said no to my friend Tram with the sick baby. This was prompted by the tentative trip to Australia by Lan and my journey to see the mafia in Da Nang which unsettled me greatly. I told Lan no more money and that was that for a few weeks.
It was hard to say no to her after she had it all planned out but I did. Recently she contacted me again and asked me to meet her for coffee which I did because I wanted to stay friends with her despite what had happened in the past. While we were sipping our coffee she told me about going to Da Nang to see a doctor about the blinding headaches she was having which were also effecting her sight in one eye. The doctor scanned her and diagnosed a haemotoma which I thought was caused by a scooter accident she had a couple of months ago. She had fallen on the road and hit her head, "but I was wearing helmet" she told me. The helmets here are a complete joke, even their name BAO HIEM meaning Insurance, but they are thin plastic shells which afford little real protection.  
The doctor in Da Nang referred her to a specialist in HCM where she went on a one way ticket paid for by a friend. Then I got a message from says she has a Grade 2 brain tumour. She was still in the doctors surgery at this point as the wouldn't let her out until she paid the bill of 10 million ($500) She told me she had sold all her jewellry to pay for the trip so naturally she wanted me to pay. I told her to ring her brother the one who works for the socialist overlords in Ha Noi and she said she had been trying but he wouldn't answer his phone. She even gave me the doctors bank account number and followed up with many entreaties to help her. I have talked to a few people since then who know about these things and they all say no one goes to a doctor here unless they have the money with them to pay. Who to believe?
Lan was desperate it appeared to me, not being able to sleep because of the headaches, and I wouldn't be surprised that she just took the chance hoping she would get someone to pay later. Well it wasn't going to be me, and I said no. 
She is now back in Hoi An and seemingly bright as a button apart from the first picture she sent me with the smudge of blood near her eye, fake? maybe.
Please don't get me wrong, I actually believe her when 1000s wouldn't and I dont think she would attempt such an intricate scheme just to get 10 million off me or punish me for pulling out of the Australian trip.
I have confided in My Le and Na and they always say the same...the women are after your money, you are old, you are not young and handsome, do not give anyone money. I always agree as I know they are right but yesterday I said to Na, what if I meet a woman who likes me and never asks for money? Never happen says Na, never happen.



I'd be happy with enjoying the food and scenery.. But then again.. I am not a Collingwood fan..

Sister and Bro

How come Lan is back in Hoi An? She said she had to stay in the hospital until the bill was paid, n'est pas?

Yakov Macak

Have to agree with Na, and not just in Vietnam; young woman with old guy with no money?? Never Happen, Never Happen.


Yes, believe Na and My Le. They would know the tricks around there - trust them. Never happen :).


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