Went out today with Steve who I am thinking might build a house for me. We went down a side lane not far from here and looked at one of his villas that is for sale at $139,000, two bedroom two bathroom all rooms with AC. The block of land is next door to it. $10,000 for the lease and about $80,000 to build.
He explained a lot of things including how Balinese name their children
. The first child is Wayan but sometimes Geday which is the name of my house boy not Deday as I was calling him. Then so on down to child five who, if its a boy will be Wayan again, literally, the Balinese word for Again.
After a coffee with Steve and his poodle and a lot of salacious talk I headed for Bintang again. The signs inside include Fireworks, Drugs and Growing up Milk. I had to get change for the taxi man so I bought something and went through the checkout, still not right change. I went outside and bought a pirate DVD of The Fall , just the right money but they didn't have change either so the taxi man was waiting patiently while everyone ran around making change.
After I walked up the hill a bit, such a beautiful place but my health is pathetic really. I staggered into a new Resto run by a mixture of Javanese and Indians none of whom spoke good English, The first waitress who saw me said : You need water sir" and ran off and got some,
This is me, I stagger from one meal to the next and this time was pork ribs with rice and hot sauces. After I had finished I noticed they had beef Rendang on the menu and my son had recommended this so I ordered some to be delivered to my Villa that night at 6pm. I wrote out the address carefully and added my phone number so they could ring if they got lost. Come 6pm no Rendang. 6.40 no Rendang. So I rang them. Yes sir yes sir.."I ordered Rendang today to be delivered", yes sir, "Is it on the way?" Sir? "
Yes is it being delivered, you said you do home deliveries. So she hands me to someone else and I go through the story again. She hands me to someone else and ditto.
My beef Rendag where is it? "Oh you want beef Rendang?" Yes I do. "OK sir we will make some for you".
So 7.15 I got my Rendang and it was worth the wait. It's impossible to get angry with Balinese.
One meal to another
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Ubud, Bali, Indonesia
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Still no boom boom, must be a different phrase for it Les