Same same

Thursday, September 15, 2016
Hoi An, Vietnam
No breakfast, just coffee and later lemonjuice and a chat with Kiwi Keith at Banana Split then a ride to An Bang beach and more squid. I could live on that stuff. 
 Jay, you will be happy to know I finally caught up with Sen and gave her the card . She read it and was happy to have got something from you. Her homestay is going well and she is getting lots of work with the food tours.
Last day of the full moon tonight so the Lion dancers will be out in force.
After An Bang we rode up towards Da Nang to find a place Hodgy had told me about. I overshot it by a couple of Kms so we turned back and found the little side lane just where he said it was by the big Servo. One hundred metres and there is a beautiful deserted beach with coconut thatch buildings along it and not a soul to be seen execpt for a few Vietnamese in hammocks. Seafood aplenty folks so we will be going back.
Country cousin Na left early this morning to go home for five days to An Khe near Pleiku. I wonder if she knows the French army got cut to pieces there in the 1950s, one of their worst defeats apart from Dien Bien Phu.I'm guessing just about no one knows especially the young.
Only one pic of the beach and a few I forgot yesterday.
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I'm so glad Les you went and saw Sen and that she is doing very well.She is so positive and such a hard worker! X


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