Cam Kim again

Friday, September 16, 2016
Hoi An, Vietnam
I just had the most embarrasing thing happen. After watching the footy at the sports bar I went to Banana Split and met Nick and had another beer and then on to Con Chai for dinner and more beers. After dinner I was to drive Nick home on the back of the bike and I must admit I was a bit drunk. Don't drink and drive peeps. Nick hopped on the back and I took off but unfortunately Nick wasn't ready for me to take off and keeled over sideways and ended up on the bitumen. People came running and helped him up with apparently no injuries but when we got home I noticed some blood on his shirt and a scratch on his face. My bad as they say. Nick was very good about it as an Englishman would be but I feel bad and when My Le finds out she will tear strips off me as she said do not let him ride on back.
Today we went over to Cam Kim island again and once more were defeated by the topography, we crossed a bridge and I realised we were on An Hoi island and then another bridge and we were smack in the middle of Hoi An old town . We then took the easy way out and went over Cam Nam bridge and did a tour there. Not that theres much to see but we went to the far end to have a look at Poverty Cafe once more and got the hard sell from some guy who wanted us to stop and have a Larue. I've had enough of Mrs Poverty so we turned round and retraced our steps to Banana Split once more. 
Sports bar was full of Australians as you would expect, some watching NRL and most watching AFL, amongst them was a Vietnamese woman who was a big fan of the Bulldogs and she was ecstatic when they won. First time I've see a Viet AFL fan.
I decided to try to photograph all the construction work between here and Hoi An and there a few in the pics. Amazing amount of building going on in every street.
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kim and riley

How good were the doggies?


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