Leaving Friday

Tuesday, September 27, 2016
Hoi An, Vietnam
My last blog efforts have petered out rather badly so I will make this the last one even tho I have one night left. Nicks daughter Bronwyn arrived today and she will fit in very well from what I've seen tonight. She loves a drink and loves her food and what else do you need in Hoi An.
Lots of pics on this blog, some old and some new
Thie big news from Hoi An was that two mini marts were robbed by either Chinese or Koreans. Why not Vietnamese? I can't see Chinese coming all this way to rob a mini mart.
An awkward moment tonight when I called Hai Dong Chi, comrade, he didn't crack a smile just said only police and Army call each other Dong Chi. And I can add Kiwi Keith and me. And the girls in Mia coffee.
We had a dinner for Bronwyns arrival and afterwards I called at Con Chai to see if Keith was there, he wasn't but I had a good talk to Hien. She is very interested in a relationship I think and was disappointed when I said I would be back in 6 months. We will see.
My sister asked me to get a cream coloured scarf for her so I sat My Le down and explained it to her. She listened intently and today the scarfs arrived, one grey, one red, one yellow, and one orange. I said no, Cream cream. What is cream she says. I looked aroung the shop and the nearest I could get was a Sunsilk bottle. That colour I say. So she sends Na out to get it. Na comes back with a white scarf a yellow scarf, and a lemon scarf. At least we are getting closer. So it finished up as " we will get it tomorrow".
Just a small and probably boring digression on the language. I had a lot of trouble with saying "takeaway" as in food and I found the problem. Takeaway leftovers is Dem ve, ordering and extra course to takeaway is Dem di, telling someone to take something as in clear the table is Lay di, and to take something either very big or very small is Manh ly. So thats sorted. Keith will probably tell me tomorrow there are others.

Thanks to all of you who have stuck with me and read my accounts of a sometimes naive old fool in a foreign country. I like writing this as it chrystalises my thoughts for the day. I have met so many who live here and will consider moving here in the near future.
Other Entries



Hi les,
enjoy yr blog ,Stormy weather in the rat tonight south Aust totally wet flooded out ,
Have to save up and hit Nam someday ,
See you when your back,cheers,

John Perrins

Thanks Les. I enjoy your trips to that gorgeous place. Have a great trip home.

John Perrins

Thanks Les. I enjoy your trips to that gorgeous place. Have a great trip home.


You love it there Les, you should move there and just come back and visit family and friends here.

kim and riley

You should move there! Far more interesting than Daylesford! Then we can visit you there!!


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