Flight left at the ungodly hour of 10 minutes past midnight which gives you all day to worry about what you haven't packed and everyone you talk to says get to the airport early. I thought leaving town at 8.30 would give me plenty of time but I was finally talked into 7pm which gave me hours of sitting waiting for the flight. Better safe than sorry I guess seeing that trees regularly fall across the Woodend road and hold things up. I was sad leaving as my friends Paul and Lydia had to cancel the trip because of health issues. Paul saaid if they page us tell them we are not coming. Of course they didn't page anyone until we were on the plane and sitting waiting. I looked around the Premium cabin and all the seats seemed to be full but we kept on waiting, waiting. They did mention they were refuelling so the penny didn;t drop until 20 minutes had elapsed and I heard the cabin staff talking about passengers missing and I realised they meant P and L. I felt like a goose not telling anyone but I just sat there and we got underway shortly after.
In Da Nang I was met by Nick, Na aand Nhi with a big bunch of flowers for my birthday the day before. The flight arrived very late and they must have been waiting in the heat for an hour and a half by the time my case came through, last case off the plane, more of that later.
First night in Hoi An we went to Con Chai with the family. My friend Hien wasn't there but arrived later still professing her love even though I didn't give her the $5000 she wanted to pay for her sons wedding. Very tired so I had an early night and horror of horrors the aircon wasn't working. Very humid hot night under the fan aand not much sleep. Next day I told Hai but it didn't register so My Le got the message through to the aircon people and they came and fixed something. Now the unit says 16 degrees but its more like 22 or so. Just cool enough.
It took me a while to unpack my case as I was catching up on sleep and when I did unpack I found a few things missing. Some vitamin tablets I had brought for Nhi's son and my mouse. As well as that my laptop screen is cracked. I think that my case being last out onto the carousel at Da Nang had more sinister overtones.Foolishly I didn't lock the case. derrrr.
Lots of changes in Hoi An, Austins house is almost finished and I was very happy to see he has made an architectural statement with it.
I originally thought it was just going to be another narrow gutted three storey Vietnamese block, but he obviously put some thought into it.
There are a few pictures attached. The house behind My Le's which I photographed extensively last time is also finished.
Tonight I arranged to meet Tram my friend from Tam Ky at Xanh resto at 6.15. She didn't appear so we ordered and then I got a message from her ,"Can you pick me up at Cam Nam bridge". I don't know why she didn't tell me this earlier as Nick and I were at Banana Split right at the foot of the bridge. So I jumped on the scooter and drove over the bridge twice without seeing her. So back to Xanh and start eating and another message, "I am still waiting" I said some other time and then tucked into the biggest most delicious fish I have tasted in Vn and I have tasted quite a few. Another message " I have a present for your birthday". Nothing could put me off that fish so we finished it and paid the bill and I scooted off over Cam Nam bridge again and there was Tram standing in the shadows, no wonder I couldn't see her.
She had a brightly wrapped present and she jumped on the back and drove her to her rented room. I unwrapped the present which was a colourful shirt with a banana pattern and one which I would have picked out myself. It was the biggest size she could get but too small for me unfortuantely, she was very disappointed and will try to get a bigger one.
John Perrins
Wow. Austin's house is looking impressive!
Janette Hommel
Already fun and games for you Les, such early days!
9th trip! maybe you should invest in a property there? btw I bumped into Sue & Marley with your grandson the other day at the Larder - Marley seems fit & healthy, your grandson too