Usual trivia suspended

Wednesday, September 06, 2017
Hội An, Quang Nam Province, Vietnam
Due to tropicalcyclone Doksuri hitting the coast tonight I don't think I will be going anywhere for a while. Today Nick and I after breakfast decided to take a run down to Cua Dai. It was absolutely bucketing down but of course still warm so we donned our plastic rain coats and took off. The rain was so heavy it hurt and the roads were covered with water in some parts. Strange going through water which was as warm as bath water when it splashed up on your legs. It was a surreal experience for a westerner but the schoolkids riding their electric bikes took it in their stride I guess. It's a way of life for them. We rode down to Cua Dai beach and stopped for lunch at Golden Fish where we gazed out at the downpour while we ate squid.
It looks like the cyclone will cross the cost tonight just north of Da Nang so Hoi An will be right on the edge of it. The lane outside the house is about 6 inches deep already so I am expecting a flood event.
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Bit of concern maybe??


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