Da Nang

Wednesday, September 06, 2017
Hội An, Quang Nam Province, Vietnam
Today I was paid an honour. We decided to go to Da Nang to see a movie, well Na and Nhi decided and I asked My Le to come along as well. You may remember last trip I took the girls to a movie in Da Nang and it was the first picture theatre and first movie that Na had seen. This time it was My Le's turn. A mature woman and she has never been to the movies. The choice at our disposal was poor, last time it was Fast and Furious 8 and this time Logan Lucky a movie you wouldn't give the time of day to. More of that later.
So we took off and I was given the task of being the driver, err Rider and Na the pillion. Such faith they have in me and not misplaced either. On the way there was a bottleneck and as we approached I saw a Mailinh taxi with the front bumper lying on the road and other damage, but as we got closer I saw a scooter wedged under the car! I was driving so I couldn't gawk too much but afterwards My Le said no one was hurt. How she knew I don't know. I questioned her and she repeated it. Maybe wishful thinking. 
 I handled the driving well until we came to the huge roundabouts in Da Nang where scooters, cars, trucks and buses go in all directions. A few moments of panic but I got through and we arrived at the Vincom Centre a huge shopping mall which distracted the girls every few steps. We even went into a huge shop which seemed to specialise in drinking bottles and while admiring a display I accidentally knocked down an price sign which hit a bottle which landed on a row of bottles and soon enough they were all over the floor. While we were wandering who do we bump  into but Gunther with the lady  from the family he helps out, she is very pretty and I had a coffee with them. He seemed a bit discomforted and scooted off and left us.
Na and I bought the tickets and two huge boxes of popcorn which all through the movie My Le kept nudging me to eat, I thnk I ate about a kg of caramel popcorn and drank a litre of coke.
The  movie was passable in parts and had Vietnamese subtitles but the characters had such thick hillbilly accents it was hard to understand them, sometimes I looked at the subtitles to try to get some insight. After the movie I asked Na about a couple of plot points to see if she understood it and in her beautiful innocence she started to explain what the movie was about, I think sometimes they think I'm a bit brain damaged.
We then went to a Korean resto and you can look at the pics to see what that was about, food glorious food.
Then back to Hoi An with me on the back of Nhi's bike travelling very safely and for dinner tonight a burger and chips and a chat with My Le in the shop. They were very happy with the day out and so was I.
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Kim & Riley

Hi! The last photo made me laugh..does it look a little rude...?? Anyway, I giggled..so glad to see you having so many funny adventures & of course, great food..


Great day out for you all!


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