and the days dwindle down to a precious few...

Wednesday, September 06, 2017
Hội An, Quang Nam Province, Vietnam
When the Trentham girls were here Nick suggested going on a tour of the Hoi An Silk Village which is on the edge of town. We never quite put it together to do the tour but today Nick and I went to have a look at it. It's beautifully set up with exhibits in seperate very old buildings. When I say very old I think they have used timbers from other old buildings to build new ones but they look very ancient. There is an exhibit of different looms that were used to weave silk and you can actually see the worms in another exhibit in their various stages of life. Very small silkworms munching on mulberry leaves and then large ones gobbling down the leaves . I hope my photos do them justice. Then we moved on to a room where women were weaving silk on the very same antique looms we saw previously. I will make a big statement, the greaatest inventor of all time was a woman who worked out how to weave material from a worm.
Of course it was "exit via the gift shop" but it was a gift shop full of treasures in the shape of scarves, table runners and clothes, beautiful designs and prints. Pure silk was the most expensive but they have polyester silk blends as well. Oh yes, we were also shown how to test for pure silk. It will not burn, it goes out quickly whereas polyesters will burn and melt. I bought one scarf for 250,000 and of course I hardly need tell you that when I saw My Le she said "too much" she only pays 100,000 but whether the ones she buys are 100% silk like mine I do not know.
On the way home we went to Gunthers house on Cam Nam island to see his addition to the building. He has good views over the river and we saw where they are building a bridge to the small island between Cam Nam and Hoi An
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