We will once again be taking a bike trip with TDA Global Cycling (www.tdaglobalcycling.com), this time visiting India for 6 weeks, and of course I'll be doing the blog. We know several people who have taken this tour and they have all loved it! We are trying to prepare ourselves for the chaos we've been told to expect, as well as the wonderful food, bright colors, and inviting people. One of our friends who took this trip said he was initially apprehensive about it, but after 3 days he "fell in love with India". This will definitely be our most "far-out" trip. We are feeling mentally prepared, although not quite physically ready! The days will be a little shorter than previous trips, with an average of about 60 miles/day, compared to 72-77 mile/day averages on our other trips, so that will help. We'll just be riding ourselves into shape!
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I've included a few pictures from previous trips, so you can see why we're getting excited! In Rajasthan, we'll be spending 4 nights in former palaces or forts, which now have hotel facilities. Other nights, we may be in very basic accommodations. Another adventure!
We start in Delhi, then ride south to Agra, where we will have a rest day, and the opportunity to ride by the Taj Mahal on our bikes. I can hardly believe it! Then we'll head west into Rajasthan, going through Jaipur, Jodphur, Udaipur, to the famous Ajanta and Ellora caves, then to the coast and Mumbai (Bombay). After 2 rest days in Mumbai, we'll turn south, riding along the coast to Goa, for a total of 30 riding days, 10 rest days, and 1800 miles. Should be fantastic!
Sally K
Looking forward to reading about your adventures.
Safe travels dear friends. Look forward to more tales of adventure!
Chuck & Fian
We cannot wait to read about this fantastic journey! Good luck and safe cycling.
Go get those fantastic memories! Happy travels
Excited to "read along" with you while you ride around India.