First Day on the Road!

Sunday, January 27, 2019
Kosi Kalan, Uttar Pradesh, India
Normally I won't be doing a blog entry this soon after the previous one, but this was such a fun and interesting day that I wanted to capture it while the images and events are fresh in my mind
Before we started out this morning, we had a small ceremony to bless us for the trip ahead.   There was a priest and his helper, and they burned incense and chanted some prayers for us, then we were given a small ginger cookie to eat.  Then we lined up to receive a red mark on our forehead, and we were given a bracelet to wear that is supposed to bring good luck and safety to travelers.  The final part of the ceremony was the smashing of a small coconut on the pavement, also to bring us safe travels and blessings.  Thus surrounded by good spiritual vibes, we were ready to begin!
We went in a convoy from the hotel, with one van in front and one behind, for the first 10k, just to get us through the busiest traffic, then we were on our own.  As we were gathering in front of the hotel waiting for the vans to get organized, 2 large grey cows came walking down the road.  They had tall, slightly curved horns and were very stately.  One of the cows had a necklace of some kind around his neck.  As they passed us, a tuk-tuk also scooted by, blaring loud music.  It felt like the quintessential Indian moment, and I felt it was an auspicious start to our journey, especially after the special blessings!
Traffic today was pretty crazy at times, but Greg and I were able to get in our "zen zone" and just go with the flow.   We actually had a good time.  So many vehicles that went by yelled "hello", smiled, gave us a thumbs up.  Because we are so unusual (spandex, nice bikes, helmets, and Western), drivers in general were very gracious.  We still had to watch for the frequent vehicles coming towards us on the wrong side of the road, or entering from the left without looking, but in general we always felt pretty safe.  Greg had a couple of conversations with scooter riders, wanting to know where we are going.  It's fun to watch the slow dawning of comprehension as they realize that we are indeed riding bicycles from Delhi to Goa, an amazing distance to everyone.  Inevitably, the next question I get is "how old are you?", and then even more amazement when I tell them I'm 71.  A couple of beautiful teen girls took some selfies with me today, and when we had the standard discussion of where we are going on bicycles, one girl looked me up and down, then declared "It's too late for you, ma'am".  I assured that it was not too late (ie, I'm not too old)!
We passed a procession walking and dancing along, with drummers and music, and people dressed in wonderful Indian finery. The women carried large clay pots on their head, which were filled with flowers, mostly marigolds, and small coconuts.  The men had large, square, flat baskets also filled with flowers, and maybe some fruit, and they had yellow coloring smeared on their faces.  They were all having a great time, and of course we stopped for pictures.  Indian women get to wear the most gorgeous clothing!
Another interesting thing we saw today was shaped cow patties mixed with straw and drying alongside the road, for use as fuel in the future.  At one point there was an embankment where they were also drying, and we could see the imprint of where they've been dried before.  So the cows provide a useful purpose!
Tomorrow afternoon we will arrive in Agra, with a rest day following, and visit to the Taj Mahal.  


David J

Such colors, commotion noises, and smells experienced no where else. Enjoy! Wishing you a safe ride.

Oh i remember it is such a great ride enjoy

Mary Haller

Wow! Amazing. Thanks for Sharing your adventure!


I love their resourcefulness! ie cow dung;-). I’m glad you have been so blessed for your travels!

Maggie Williamson

Great synopsis of the day Eve! You’ve captured it beautifully

Patty Nightingale

Eve - I hope I'm rock'n it like you at 71!

Jan and Marloes (Bamboo Road)

Hi Eve and Greg, Nice to read your stories again. Enjoy this trip and make it a wonderful adventure!

Kaison & Liz

Happy safe travels, another great adventure and what a whirl of sights! Blessed journey!

Frank McFee

Wow! What an adventure. Eve, age is just a number, keep on biking down the road and have fun.

Bob Schmidt

I used a bandanna over mouth and nose when cycling in Kathmandu last summer - too much dust and fumes. Many of your street scenes look similar to Nepal, though the cow pies are different. Great stories and pics!!!


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