First of all, Greg wants to thank everybody for the good wishes for a quick recovery. He is feeling fine, and is riding strong! He has a little trouble sleeping because of the hard beds we've had, but otherwise is doing well. We also really enjoy all your comments. Over time, I'll try to answer your questions.
Our first night out of Udaipur, we stayed at the amazing and wonderful Udai Bilas Palace, home to the current maharaja of Dungarpur. To help maintain the property he has created a beautiful hotel. We did not see him while we were there, but he apparently does live there at least part of time.
Greg took a recovery day from his fall, and rode in the van to the Palace, and when I arrived, he greeted me with this: "I have some great news for you: first, our room is beautiful; second, there is a cold beer waiting at the pool for you; and third, you have a massage scheduled." Is this not a wonderful man! Our room was indeed beautiful, with marble floors covered in oriental rugs, high ceilings, a private little balcony, and a hot shower.
The pool area was green and peaceful (the water was too cold for me, although several of our group took the plunge), and the pool had an infinity edge overlooking the lake. And, it was a great massage!
However, there was still more to come! The maharajah (or prince, I'm not sure) has a collection of old cars and motorcycles, and after you walk through the car museum you arrive at a fabulous bar area decorated in old car memorabilia and posters (mostly American!) and blaring American rock and roll. Needless to say, we all partied down! Probably the most fun we've had so far on the trip - of course I loved it because there was dancing involved! And Greg loved it because there was beer involved.
After spending "happy hour" in such incongruous and fun surroundings, we adjourned to dinner in a breathtaking setting. We walked into a large open air room to a fantasy of candles, flowers, and water! The huge marble table sat 17 people on a side (our group is 23 including staff), and had a lighted pool in the center that was probably 2 to 2 1/2 feet deep and a couple of feet wide and ran the full length of the table! The table all around the pool was lined with ropes of marigolds, and there were candles everywhere.
After we sat down they turned on the bubbles in the water, which kept the fake ducks moving around. It was positively over the top! And the food was delicious, too!
We all hated to leave this place and wished we could have had a rest day there - just to truly rest!
Our last couple of days on the road have seen us leave the highlands of Rajasthan and cross into more rolling land. Today we climbed up to a higher plateau, to a very agricultural area. It is still very dry, but we crossed a couple of rivers and a huge lake, so there is some water around. We have seen wheat growing, both young green wheat, wheat starting to ripen, and ripe wheat being harvested. There is also cotton, and I think I've seen onions, which wouldn't surprise me because we see lots of onions being carted around on trucks. It is definitely a greener place. Also windy - we fought a moderate cross wind, and saw quite a few wind turbines. Hoping for a tail wind tomorrow!!
The harvesting is done mostly by women, with intensive manual labor, with the men checking out the fields periodically, and deciding what should be harvested.
Harvesting wheat is mostly by hand, by women bending over with small curved knives. Although, we did see one motorized cutter being maneuvered by a man, with the women following along to clean up what was missed. We also saw women squatting in a line in a field picking peas. This is just really hard labor, yet everybody has a smile and a wave for us.
We are great entertainment for people we pass, especially the children, who love to yell and wave, and of course we wave and yell out "namaste" back. Or "good morning", depending on what we get. I can not tell you the number of young men on motorcycles who have stopped us (or gathered when we stop) and want a selfie! Either with their cell phone, or even with our camera, which I don't quite understand! We stop most times, but sometimes I'm just too worn out to stop. And people yell out the standard litany of questions as they pass: where are you going, where are you from, what is your name, how are you? Our entertainment and theirs!
Thanks for adding me to the blog. So glad Greg is recovering. Send him my best. When we met and I told you how much I loved India, can you now see why? You're the perfect couple to appreciate the magic that is India with all its beauty and not always so subtle culture.Enjoy!
Susan & Ray
Sending Greg healing wishes. So glad the roads have improved-somewhat. We enjoy your updates. Happy Travels.
Oh my! I want to swim laps in your dinner table! Also, Eve where is your selfie with the stylish lads? Haha! Glad you were spoiled if only for a day. Great photos, safe cycling.
Chuck and Fian
What a wonderful place to spend your evening. The pictures of the dining room are amazing. We are enjoying reading about your travel experiences immensely. Hope Greg is feeling better now. Scary fall! Take care!
Greg, kudos to you for the sweet surprise awaiting Eve after the ride to the Palace! The accommodations and dinner looked amazing too. This had to be one of your best stops yet. Can't wait to hear more.
Bob Schmidt
amazing photos - crazy luxury from another era. I can relate to the crumbling roads issue - there were plenty of those in Nepal too. Except we visited Nepal during monsoon season and had mud to contend with also.
I am way behind keeping up with your blogs but love all of your entries . I hope Greg is having better traveling and is dodging cars a little bit better . Have a great rest of the trip be careful