
Thursday, May 23, 2024
Dublin, County Dublin, International
On our first full day in Dublin, we took that entertaining bus trip I told you about in my last post.  The following day, we rode the "DoDublin" hop-on, hop-off bus. The most interesting fact I've learned about Dublin is that it was founded by Vikings!  I guess I could have figured that out, but I didn't! We got off at Christ Church Cathedral, walked to St. Patrick's Cathedral, then back on the bus, to get off at the Jameson Distillery.  We found the cathedrals interesting, and quite different from cathedrals in Europe.  Ones we've seen in Europe are very spiritual, and can fill you with a sense of reverence.  Here, both cathedrals seemed more like a tourist-oriented business:  a fee to get in, lots of people and groups, lots of plaques honoring people, but nothing particularly spiritual.  Both cathedrals have beautiful tile floors, and I've included a photo.  On the site of Christ Church Cathedral there was originally a Viking church, and it was incorporated into the Irish church by 1152.  At some point in these early days, I think in the 1200s, the Norse church was replaced by a Gothic cathedral, parts of which still exist.   In 1562, one side of the nave roof collapsed, ruining the cathedral.  Emergency rebuilding took place, and that temporary solution lasted until the 1870s.  During the 16th and 17th centuries. the crypt (basement) was used as a market, a meeting place, and at times a pub!  Starting in 1871, the church was finally extensively renovated and the temporary wall was replaced with a new arched ceiling constructed to match the part that didn't collapse, and overall it was also made more Victorian.  
The cathedral holds the remains of Strongbow, which we thought was just a hard cider!  However, Strongbow is revered in Ireland because he brought an army to help the king maintain his power against the attacks of the many chieftains who sought to take over the country.  Strongbow brought with him an army of Welsh archers, hence his name.  This was in the late 1170s.
The other thing that I loved about the cathedral is that it has a copy of the Magna Carta.  The Magna Carta was originally signed in 1215, and put into writing the principle that the king is not above the law, and it prevents the king from exploiting his power, and establishes the law as a power in and of itself.   Can't help a political comment here:  perhaps there are people seeking power today in our country who need to remember that principle, which has been a tenet of Western law for over 800 years!
St. Patrick's Cathedral is the largest in Ireland, was built from 1220-1259, and was constructed on the site of an ancient well that was believed to have been used by St. Patrick.  As in many of the old castles and churches in Europe, this cathedral has been damaged and rebuilt multiple times over the centuries.  The cathedral was in a terrible state of disrepair in the early 1800s, and was deemed unsafe to use.  However, Benjamin Guinness (of beer fame) offered to pay for restoration, with the stipulation that he not be interfered with by the Cathedral board.  It seems that people were happy with the work that was done.
We visited the Jameson Distillery, where we learned that Jameson has moved all their operations to County Cork, in southern Ireland.  Nonetheless, it was an interesting experience, and we got to sample several of their whiskeys.
On Friday, we went to the Guinness Storehouse (ie, brewery) for another interesting tour.  The tour is very high tech with lots of digital displays, but absolutely no views of beer actually being brewed.  However, we got a "free" pint of Guinness, and we ate a delicious dinner in their restaurant.  It was a fun afternoon!
We got the bikes put together today, and tomorrow we ride out of Dublin.  It's supposed to rain, but oh well.  We're prepared, no matter what.  We have only 2 days of riding, then a rest day in Belfast, where we have tickets to the Titanic Museum.  Should be another interesting tour.
Best wishes to all!



Have lots of fun and less rain.... i hope see you soon


Wow what a trip so far ..such good info..love it 😀❤️ keep enjoying


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