
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Munich, Bavaria, Germany
Just after midday and we touched down to a land under a blanket of cloud and frost covered fields giving everything a silvery grey pallor. The mood was not lightened by the officious German Republic Border Security who took me to task over the length of my stay in Europe, stating that for such a period I require Residency status. I smiled sweetly and lied through my teeth until he begrudgingly waved me past. Why is it that after an epically long journey it is always your luggage that emerges from the netherworld last....something to contemplate over a good Austrian Weiss Bier me thinks!

Outside in reception we are greeted by our nephew Christoph, who loaded us into his big black BMW and we escaped the German Republic at about 180kph down the Autobahn, successfully landing us in Sankt Johann about 90 minutes later. It was like riding in a Lear Jet at ground level as the fields and mountains blurred past!

We are home!

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