Short but sweet

Thursday, September 27, 2012
Auckland, North Island, New Zealand
Thursday Sept. 27th
We arrived in Auckland at 9pm so now we are 18 hours ahead of you at home .
We settled into our room and called Colleen to leet her know we had arrived. It is raining and cold here so we are back into long pants tomorrow.

Friday Sept. 28th
Awoke to a cold wet morning and after breakfast we went over to the airport to pick up our car.We got a Toyoto pathfinder and it was a lovely vehichle not only to sit in but Eric said it was nice to drive. We drove to Thames and had lunch with Colleen as John was working. Last night on the phone I tolk her that we had forgotten Eric's Insulin so she had her plans in place for us after lunch. We went to a clinic and he was looked after very well with us gettin two vials to see us through until we get home.
After this all settled we went for a drive along the Coramandel coast and ended up in a neat little cafe. Guess what -- the sun came out and it was lovely. We went back to see John where he was working and he said that he was going to take Eric out for the get together after work. Eric said that he really enjoyed himself .

Saturday Sept. 29th
It rained on and off all night. It is so nice to see all the flowers and fruit trees in bloom as this is their spring.
After breakfast we took Colleen and her mother Fay with us as we headed out for the day John was working again today.
We started at the Bella Street Pumphouse museum and the pumphouse was built in 1898 and stopped working in 1914. This was very interesting as there was alot of history of Thames back in the late 1800's and early 1900's. There were many artifacts from all around the Coromandel Peninsula and some very dedicated people have put alot of work into this place.
The sun has come out and warmed up. Our next stop was in Paerao to see The Yesterday Museum which housed alot og old vehicles. All I can say is that I am glad I'm not married to this man as there is junk all over the place.
Our next stop was Te Aroho to the Ironique cafe for lunch which was delicious. The washbasins were panhandlers' paltes and the borders around the mirrors were saws. The decor was definitely unique. After lunch we went for a walk to view some clothing made out of felt which is very fine. She had some intersting stuff.
We drove back to Thames through the hills and farm country.
Colleen's son and his partner Rachael arrived and then John's son Darryl and his partner Vicky arrived so iy was a very busy househol for awhile.
After an early supper we headed back to Auckland for our flight out in the morning. The drive was great as we had a full moon. We also had to turn our clocks ahead a hour as NZ goes onto Daylight Saving Time.

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