Te Kaihau has a new mast!

Saturday, May 20, 2017
Avarua District, Cook Islands
Happy to announce that Te Kaihau has its new mast! After more than a week of hard work we managed to fit this kind of prosthesis to the boat. Of course it is not has beautiful as the original one and Te Kaihau looks like a wounded bird, but we think it will work. We are also satisfied because apart of the welding, we did it by ourselves with the help of Keith. He is really a wonderful person, always trying to find a solution, never grumpy at us...I love the way he pulls his tongue when concentrating...
A few more things to adjust and fix and then we go for a try at sea on Sunday . If all goes well we shall take the chance of an unusual north west wind on Wednesday to sail to Tahiti.
The only regret is that we were so busy working that we haven't had a chance to visit the island or even have a swim...but we met some nice people and Te Kaihau has become a sort of attraction here. An old fisherman yesterday said "what a beautiful boat!" It feels good. Bodies are aching but spirit is good.
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Cindy Chu

Bravo!! Good luck tomorrow and I hope all goes well for your subsequent departure to Tahiti.

Rose McGready

Mate, looks like a square peg in a round hole, but looks are not important. As long as she goes and goes all the way to Tahiti. May the force be with you.

M. Christine Luxemburger

bravo. You still have a chance to go to swim before departure...

Stephane Proux

L'important c'est que ce soit solide et que le bateau avance! Avec du vent de Nord ouest vous allez avaler les miles. Plus que 700 jusqu'à Pape'ete! Bon vent!

Marie N

Bon courage papa! Envoye nous un selfie de temps en temps :p

Charlie Woodrow

Fantastic news!

But now you are in the blogosphere you should go the whole way and send us a SELFIE with the boat...

Charlie Woodrow

Fantastic news!

But now you are in the blogosphere you should go the whole way and send us a SELFIE with the boat...


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