
Wednesday, May 24, 2017
Avarua District, Cook Islands
We are leaving. Rainy and windy day but the wind blows in an unusual direction that is favorable to us, trying to go to Tahiti. We didn't have a chance to try our new mast and sails but we think it will be fine. We shall go around the island going west and then south-east. If anything breaks there is a NZ navy patroller around so ...
Eighteen days in Rarotonga and we have seen only the harbor but we are happy to leave after so much work to repair .
First 24 hours will be tough because of the strong winds and rough see, so not much sleep I am afraid.
Hopefully we should reach Tahiti or Raiateia on Saturday or Sunday, but no worries I shall keep you posted.
So long.
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Good news finally! have a safe trip and please keep on sharing your adventure with us (some more pics wouldn't hurt)

Rose McGready

go swiftly - and safely - and have fun!

Charlie Woodrow

Sounds great.

Send us a selfie!

Francois Catherine

Allez, cette fois ci c'est la bonne!!!! De tout cœur avec vous. Soyez prudents.


Bon vent et bon mât.
Si Dieu veut tout droit vous irez jusqu'à Papeete...

Cindy Chu

Good luck! I send my very very best wishes for your safe travels and for Thomas' hand to heal well! And even though she doesn't post, Verena sends her best wishes as well!

Ric Price

HI Francois... only just got onto your blog. Maybe not all plane sailing but sounds a great adventure. Safe sailing on to Taihiti!

Mi Cho

hope your trip is safe.. we are in mutraw for last wave mad strategy plan.


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