Day 11 - At Sea, Apr 9

Sunday, April 09, 2017
North of Casablanca, Faro, Portugal
Advanced another time zone. That's the last one as we are now in the same time zone as Barcelona which is seven hours ahead of Chicago. Overcast and 63 F today.

Love your comments on the blog . We have not been responding because we are limiting Wi-Fi time. I write these notes off-line and then copy and paste the note when we are 'connected'. We purchased $100 worth of connection time and are trying to make it last the whole trip. Once we get to Barcelona, we will have hotel Wi-Fi at lesser or no cost.

We are again sitting outside our stateroom in the late afternoon – took a photo so you can see. A s we sit here, the ambitious people are walking past us, as this is one of the walking decks that circle the ship. We did the final cooking demo today which featured three dishes from Spain.

The other thing- Marj started looking at another cruise on this same ship in 2018. It leaves Boston and does a Viking route via Canada, Greenland, Iceland, Norway Netherlands, Ireland, some other places and returns to Boston. After talking about this 30-some day trip, we looked at each other and then laughed out loud. Spain tomorrow!
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I'm enjoying your blog. Sounds as if you're having a wonderful trip. Enjoy every minute of it!

Rose Ault

Oh what a leisurely life. Enjoy every minute of it. I would. :) Here I am working towards Easter Sunday. 35 people in this little house. Hoping the weather is going to be nice enough to hunt for eggs outside. I know a couple of the little kids are looking forward to it. Sometimes I think why did I ever start this. But it is always fun to see them having fun. Love, Rose


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