A little slower day!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Hong Kong, China

Today started out just like yesterday. Breakfast in the Kool Cafe and then Eve heading off to her conference seminars and me not.

Bill and I hooked up in the late morning and took the subway across to Hong Kong Island, where we wandered around a bit and tried to find one of Bill's favourite places, the Keg! After a short walk we found it, but it wasn't open for the day yet. So we went down a little further and stopped at the Hard Rock Cafe for a couple of beers. After this and a little more wandering around, we headed back to Kowloon on the subway.

We are having dinner with Eve's Aunt Marina and Uncle Joe tonight, and they are coming by the hotel to pick us up. Just before our scheduled meeting time, they called up to our room and we met them in the hotel lobby.    After our "hello's", we made our way towards the subway station for our trip to Hong Kong Island. They had picked out a buffet, in the Hotel Metropolis, where they are members. Again it was a great buffet, and impossible to even sample all the fare they offered.   
A big item was the local raw oysters, of which Aunty Marina ordered a whole plate of to the table. They were very good and I think I had about six of them. Eve tried one of them, as they are not exactly her cup of tea.

After eating and talking for a couple of ours we all made our way back to the hotel, where they dropped us off. It was a great day, not quite as hectic as the rest.

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