Market Day

Thursday, June 23, 2011
Hong Kong, China
Today started the same as the last two; To the Kool Café for breakfast, and then Eve to her conference.

I took off, onto the subway(MTR), to go up to the Sham Shui Po area, and hopefully check out another market area. This area turned out to be the best one yet, as it is far enough away from the tourist areas, that the locals are the people really shopping and selling here.


There is everything here. If you need a butcher shop, there is literally one on every corner, and spilling out onto the sidewalk, so be careful where you walk. You can get poultry and its still walking and clucking. Fish, well, there is water all around Hong Kong, and fish are in virtually every meal, need I say any more? Vegetables and fruit are also in abundance.

That's just the food. There is a whole street of electronics, with everything from light bulbs to cameras, clocks, wiring, phones, adapters, and really, everything and anything electronic.

There are also streets full on fabric, buttons, absolutely everything to do with sewing and crafting. There are also booths filled with al kinds of clothing, shoes, leather goods, underwear. The fascinating thing about the clothing area is that it is all Western clothing, however as I look around, that is all anyone is really wearing.

I purchase a couple of items(baby clothes), and figure I should head back to the Shangri-La, as Eve is done at 1:30 today.

After I get back, and Eve is finished for the day, we both head back to Sham Shui Po. We spend a couple of hours there, shopping and wandering around. It’s really a very fascinating place.

Being Thursday, it is the Conference dinner, so we must head back, as the diner is at Pier 6 on Hong Kong Island, at the Watermark Restaurant. We take the city ferry across Victoria Bay. The city is very beautiful, with all the building lit up, with all kinds of lighting, still and moving.

After dinner, we head back to our hotel on the Subway, for a good nights rest.



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