Up to Victoria Peak

Friday, June 24, 2011
Hong Kong, China
The conference is over, so today is the day to sleep in a little.

Bill flew back to Vancouver last night. So today, we are going to go to the top of Victoria Peak with Debra.

We start out later than usual, but do go for our Buffet breakfast in the hotel.

We then make our way the couple of blocks, over to the hotel Debra is in and meet her in the lobby. Now its to the Subway station, so we can get to Hong Kong Island. I am the only one, out of us three, who has not been up to Victoria Peak, but Eve and Debra are willing to go again, so I can see the sights.

After a short, uphill walk from the Central Subway Station on the island, we arrive at the Lower Tram Station. It seems quite busy, as Victoria Peak is one of the "must see" tourist attractions in Hong Kong. We wait a short time in line, get our tickets, and are soon on our way up. The incline is quite steep and all the buildings we are going by look as if they are on a weird angle. As we get high, one can see all the buildings of Hong Kong, the Bays, Kowloon across the Bay, and many islands. It is quite a sight. We make our way up to the top viewing area, and snap all these photo's and more. Of course "Rider Nation" had to also make its appearance, at the peak!

Next we had a little lunch, in one of the many restaurants at the peak. Then it was shopping time, as we are running our of time, as we are leaving tomorrow:(.

We made our way, back down, and reversed our course back to Kowloon. There we said our goodbyes to Debra, as she was leaving this evening, back to Vancouver.

We make our way back to the Shangri-La and drop our purchases off. At this time we order our car to our drive to the airport in the morning. The hotel Mercedes was almost the same price as a cab, considering how much luggage we were dragging back with us, and the Subway would be impossible to navigate, with this load.

Now we decide to go out for a drink, then check out the area East of our hotel, to see what we could see. We ended up back at the Bulldog Pub, and sat and had a drink, as the World went by us, on the street and water of Hong Kong. A Chinese Junk was plying the waters of the bay and was one of the interesting sights of the evening.

Now we wandered the shops a bit and found a small traditional restaurant for our last Supper in Kowloon. Even though I didn't know quite what I was ordering, both our meals were great, mine lots of seafood(squid, octopus, shrimp, and others I could identify). From here we wandered and ended up in a grocery store, where we found quite an array of interesting items, and shopped for quite a long time.

Now back to the hotel for our final packing.



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