Kakadu Part 2

Sunday, May 21, 2017
Kakadu National Park, Northern Territory, Australia
Oh my G... Jen and I have had enough of the mozzies. We are both covered in bites even though we have all gone through cans and tubes of repellant. Lovely place but kill the mozzies please. Anyway here is part 2. Still stinking hot and humid here. Every day we go for a swim in the pool (hard life) after sightseeing in the morning. There are some spectacular sights after you have climbed the goat tracks to get there. I don't do stairs or goat tracks very well so I toddle around the bottom swatting mozzies and waiting for the 3 fitties to get back and share the pics.
  We went on a sunrise tour over yellow water billabong and it was stunning . Not many crocs out at this time but still worth the effort of getting out of bed (while on holidays) at 5.30 am. The tour operators were great and what was meant to be a 1.5 hr cruise turned into a 2.5 hr cruise and then they took us back to Cooinda Caravan Park and fed us a buffet breakfast all for $99 each. 
 We also went to Jabiru and further out to Ubirr to see some rock art. A lot of Kakadu is still closed as they have had a long wet this year and are waiting for areas to dry up so some of the very popular sights we were unable to see. Off to Darwin....lots to pack up before we go.


Sue and Clint

Pictures look great, all but the mozzies and the crocs, hope you don't come home with Ross River Virus!


Looks great guys, loving the pics and blogs. Keep enjoying your hols, all good here.xx


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