Edith Falls

Sunday, June 04, 2017
Edith Falls, Northern Territory, Australia
It took us a few hours to get from Daly River to Edith Falls. We were going to spend 2 nights at Butterfly Gorge but that was still closed from too much water and the crocs. Bloody pesky things seem to be stopping us from seeing a few sights. Anyway Edith Falls is a lovely spot with only 50ish sights available, all unpowered. Another hot day here. We haven't had anything under 30 during the day and not many under 25 at night. After setting up camp we headed off to the falls for a swim. Bloody hell I just about froze my you know whats off getting in.It was so cold but didn't take long to adjust. Jen chickened out and decided to hike to the upper falls.With our trusty noodles tucked under our bums, David, Nat and I took off for a marathon paddle to the falls. It was deep and the water was dark. The pool had not been open for long (once again crocs) and I kept thinking if one comes up now we are stuffed. I remember what the guide told us on the croc jumping tour (they love bright colours). Yeah well David and I had bright yellow noodles and Nat had a fluro green noodle. We made it to the bottom of the falls but you couldn't get too close as the power of the water was strong and would suck you under.
Back at camp we decided to check out the kiosk and Jen & I ordered hamburgers . Whoppers. The lady gave them to us on silver platters (saved her wrapping them up) and to bring the platters back later. Well that night tea was at 4pm. After dark we went to the grassed area where Boulder yep that's his name (aborignal custodian) for the area gave a talk about some of their dreamtime beliefs. Good chat and even though he spoke for 1.5 hours he could have gone on all night.
Back to bed ready to return to Mataranka for 3 days of blissful swimming in the thermal pools.



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