A Day In Durban

Sunday, October 09, 2016
Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Normal breakfast ate with John and Sheree. We were in the same hotel as the All Blacks and to see them walk passed made you realize just how big they are. I rode in the lift with Kurt Barlow who is the half back and he was the same height as me 5-11" and of course he was one of the smaller ones.
In the morning while the ABs were getting ready to depart quiet a large crowd were gathering outside the hotel to greet them for selfies and autographs. The All Blacks were very approachable and were good ambassador's for NZ and the game of rugby. 

After an early lunch we departed on the bus for a trip around Durban,we probably were 15-20 Min's away from the center of the town.Had a tour around the water front. seen the Vasco de Garma and the King Dick Statue, then on to an Indian Market which was indoors.You never paid the ticket price, the owner would come up with some price which was about half of the original price.We then spent some time in the Botanical Gardens had a coffee ad were taken home.
Most of the houses would have high fences around their property with electric wires around these fences to keep out the intruders.
That evening eight of us went out for tea in a restaurant just beside the shopping mall. We had the usual drinks and the waiter came and took our orders which arrived in due coarse, I had the Ostrich steak , which was very good most enjoyable.When it came time for payment the waiter put everything together ,a bulk payment. We were lucky there was an accountant with us and managed to sort out the individual payments.Just as we were about to leave for the hotel the heavens opened and there was water every where. The water even started to come into the shop.But lucky enough the rain nearly stopped and we made a dash for the hotel.



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