Ice, Ice, Baby

Thursday, January 06, 2005
Hokitika, South Island, New Zealand
New Year in Wanaka featured a firework display, two bands (the family one and the one that did the punk version of 'Auld Lang Syne' with beer flying in all directions), and a large crowd including a lot of very drunk teenagers. All pretty harmless though. The drive to the glaciers took us through the dramatically named Gates of Haast and to lots of roadside waterfalls, all in full flow given recent conditions. Apparently NZ has had the worst December in history!

Looking back at the last time we visited the glaciers, I can see that the weather over the last few days wasn't that bad really; we have had some sun and been able to see right to the top of the glaciers, all ice pinnacles, blue caves etc. We didn't go on the trips; the helihikes cost a fortune and keep getting rained off, and access to the Fox Glacier is currently washed out. You can see a lot from the walk to the face, maintaining a discreet distance as large ice blocks crash down at regular intervals, bob into the river and thump their way downstream. The access valley has cathedral-like steep walls and rainforest looms above the ice; very odd.

We also enjoyed evening kea displays, as these naughty parrots try to pull nails out of roofs, chew at possessions and lollop around. Andy even had to chase a group out of someone's open camper van where they were creating mayhem inside. We also saw one hanging off a tv aerial, very 'Gremlins' !
Currently on the shores of the Tasman before proceeding up to Greymouth, then across to Christchurch via Arthurs Pass. With any luck we're also going to intersect the Global Challenge fleet, both in Wellington and at their next stopover in Sydney. I shall try to find out which boat is
the repainted 'Logica'.
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