Exploring Port Vila

Thursday, May 07, 2009
Port Vila, Éfaté, Vanuatu
We flew over with the Fullers & Clouts to see the work they had been involved in the last few years in building schools in villages & setting up micro-enterprise loans.

They had a team of guys there building an extension onto a school & it was nearly completed. We looked around this village & then went to the village where our church would be funding & supplying the manpower to build another school under their supervision.

Gail & I & a group of local boys went up this huge hill behind the village & climbed a massive tree for this amazing view over the village & new school

The village was very poor & we walked through & met many families. A couple of children were sick & we were able to take them to the doctor & get them antibiotics. We looked at the school site for the new building & started to make plans for it to happen in September this year.

The Vanuatu women wear large colourful " Mother Hubbard" style dresses & are quite large people. They are arm & friendly & life moves pretty slowly. Back in Port Vila we had lunch a great french bakery & tried to learn some local language.

 Gail took Brad & I around one day while Glen was doing some work & we hired mopeds to drive out of town. Gail hopped on the back of Brads & I had my own which I crashed 100 metres up the road.

It was pretty embarressing as I didn't take the corner well & drove straight into a high kerb & flew over the handlebars!! Glad I had a helmet on as I hit my head & chin & got gravel rash on my chin. I braved it & got back on & we drove around pretty bays & headlands.

Our hotel room overlooked the water & I got to watch beautiful sunsets from our balcony & big cruise ships leaving the port at night.

 We went sailing on hobie cats to a nearby island & I lay on the trapeze & let Brad do all the sailing - so relaxing!!! The guys will be back in SEptember to build the new school in a 2 week time frame



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